
Nahlah Ayed reports on refugees crossing porous Serbia-Hungary border

CBC's Nahlah Ayed reports from the border between Serbia and Hungary, a key flashpoint in Europe's fast-changing refugee and migration crisis, where people are slipping under razor wire into Europe.

European Union has plan to help settle refugees, but it can't come fast enough for those on the move

Hungary's fence on Serbian border

10 years ago
Duration 1:16
Nahlah Ayed reports at the fence Hungary is constructing along its border with Serbia, to keep fleeing refugees out.

Thousands more new refugees are arriving every day at the border between Hungary and Serbia, some slipping under razor wire to get into Europe. And many more migrants — men, women and children — already in Europe are on the move.

Today, the European Union has a new plan to help settle them. But at the border, one of the key flashpoints in the refugee and migration crisis, it can't come fast enough for those looking for a new home.

Watch CBC's Nahlah Ayed report above.