What's the best approach to the threat of terrorism?
Suggestions from leaders range from investment in social integration to the use of torture

A day after bombs ripped through Brussels, world leaders (and U.S. presidential candidates) have stepped forward with their views on how to respond.
U.S. President Barack Obama declared that fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is his "No. 1 priority" and he pledged that the United States will pursue ISIS until it is destroyed.
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Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump reiterated his plan to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the U.S., and suggested torture could have prevented the attacks in the Belgian capital. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said Trump's approach is "not only wrong, but dangerous."
European officials have talked about better co-operation between countries and more investments in anti-terror personnel and technology.
Brooks Tigner, a policy analyst at Security Europe, said investment is needed in Europe for social integration and better security designs in public places, though he said he was afraid that what people will call for is more surveillance.
What's the best approach to the threat of terrorism?
Readers let us know what they think in the latest CBC Forum — a live, hosted discussion about topics of national interest.
(Please note that user names are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style. Click on the user name to see the comment in the blog format.)
"Boots on the ground. Hit-and-run tactics on particular known targets performed by an international black ops squad. Traditional tactics and warfare don't work and neither will a no-risk policy." — Brent Miller
"One well-placed [human intelligence] operator in a community is worth two dozen mouse-clicking 'analysts' sitting on their behinds listening to thousands of hours of recorded telephone conversations and reading the stored terabytes of other people's personal emails and tweets searching for suspicious 'keywords'. The secret squirrel community needs to get real. When everyone's a suspect, the real criminals can hide out in the open." — OPED1
"I really would not conflate what's going on in Europe — where ethnic hostilities are endemic — with Canada, or even the U.S. The pure numbers of disaffected Europeans, as opposed to healthily engaged and optimistic Muslim citizens and residents of North America, make it a false comparison. I'd throw in with minority communities who have the best knowledge of themselves and the best incentives to purge rabble-rousers and ideological fantasists and would avoid divisive social policies that make them unwelcome and defensive. The best proof of jihadist cultural 'arguments' is the propensity to act exactly like a jihadist says you will." — Albin
"The only way to fight a bad idea like terrorism is with better ideas. Better ideas are generated by investing in education, particularly the education of caregivers, usually women. This would be a long-term project spanning at least two generations, probably more effective with three." — JO
"So, in my humble opinion and from the perspective of a peaceful, law-abiding Canadian Muslim, we need to stick together. As tightly and peacefully as possible. All Canadians (Muslims and non-Muslims) must not allow themselves to be divided. We must unite and work together as Canadians. We must strive to maintain good ties, avoid falling into suspicion and avoid harbouring distrust of each other. The Muslims must protect the youth from severe isolation in their own communities, and their communities must strive to not make them feel isolated through harassment. It is the trap that ISIS has set for all of us and we as humans and Canadians must not be fooled. United we stand, divided we fall." — The Open Niqabi
You can read the complete discussion below.
With files from The Associated Press