Europe's refugee crisis: 8 key numbers to know
People are arriving in Europe in numbers not seen since the Second World War

Europe's refugee crisis has produced confusing big figures, as men, women and children who in many cases are fleeing war and poverty in their own countries.
They continue to arrive in numbers not seen in Europe since the Second World War. With European Union leaders and governments struggling to deal with the issue, here are eight key figures to keep in mind:
Roughly the number of people thought to have fled conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa to seek sanctuary in the European Union so far this year. The number is believed to be rising daily.
The number of such people who could be eligible for asylum or some form of international protection in Europe.
The number of refugees arriving in Greece, Italy and perhaps Hungary over the next two years. EU officials want member countries to agree to resettle them in their territories. Some states are willing, others are balking. The issue is dominating meetings of EU interior ministers and chief in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday
The number of refugees arriving in Greece and Italy in 2015-16 which EU countries previously agreed to distribute between them.
The number of asylum applications Germany expects in 2015. As of Sept. 8, around 450,000 people were reported to have entered that country.
The number of migrants who have arrived in Greece this year.
4 million
The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey a high-ranking UN official has said might attempt to come to Europe.
€6,000 ($8,864 Cdn)
The amount that countries will receive in EU funds for each refugee they agree to relocate from Greece, Italy and perhaps Hungary.