Nadim Roberts
Latest from Nadim Roberts

London's knife-crime problem exposes larger social woes
The recent surge in violence in London reminds Robyn Travis of his own youth in Hackney in the late 1990s and early 2000s, during a previous spike in violence on London's streets.
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Gregory and Collin Gordon, Calgary brothers, join ranks of Canadians fighting for ISIS
Two more Canadians are on the list of foreign fighters with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), CBC News has learned. Both are relatively recent converts to Islam from Calgary — and they are brothers.

The life of a jihadi wife: Why one Canadian woman joined ISIS's Islamic state
While the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation has estimated that up to 2,800 Western men have gone to Syria to fight, much less is known about Western women like Canadian Umm Haritha, who have gone over to marry jihadists since the Syrian civil war began three years ago.
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