Keith Boag
American Politics Contributor
Keith Boag writes about American politics and issues that shape the American experience. Keith was based for several years in Los Angeles and now, in retirement after a long career with CBC News, continues to live in Washington, D.C. Earlier, Keith reported from Ottawa, where he served as chief political correspondent for CBC News.
Latest from Keith Boag

Can America handle the truth about Trump?
Whether Donald Trump bears some responsibility for the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 seems like an important thing for Americans to know — but apparently not all of them want to know, writes Keith Boag.
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Donald Trump can't delay the election or stop it, but he can avoid it
Regardless of what U.S. President Donald Trump tweets, November's election is not going to be delayed — and Trump knows it. So what's the real motivation behind his behaviour? Keith Boag considers the options.
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Trump's enthusiasm advantage meets fear and loathing on the campaign trail
U.S. President Donald Trump's advisers have been talking up the so-called enthusiasm gap between Trump supporters and those of Democratic rival Joe Biden. But the more important gap come November might be the one between the emotional intensity of those who love Trump and those who loathe him.
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Joe Biden's pick for U.S. vice-president could be the most consequential in 60 years
Joe Biden's choice of running mate, which he promised would be a woman, is likely to have significance beyond election day. If his ticket wins, she'd be the first female vice-president, and possibly be the presidential candidate in 2024.
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Strong third-party candidate for U.S. president rattles nervous anti-Trumpers: Keith Boag
One can imagine Democrats have greeted the news of Justin Amash's third-party presidential run with concern, believing they've already suffered through one third-party nightmare in the last presidential election and don't need another, writes Keith Boag.
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Bernie Sanders's 2020 disappointment offers sobering lesson for Trump: Keith Boag
If you've been following the Democratic presidential primary and were surprised by Bernie Sanders's exit this week, it might be because pundits misled you about the strength of his campaign, Keith Boag writes.
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'Wartime president' Trump isn't calling all the shots in U.S. battle against COVID-19
Donald Trump likes to say he feels like a "wartime president" battling an "invisible enemy," as though he were in command of the fight against COVID-19 in the U.S. However, as Keith Boag explains, it's often the governors and Congress making key decisions that could decide the outcome of the crisis.
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Coronavirus puts a spotlight on the moral compass of America
No country has invested as heavily as the U.S. in the idea of itself as a land where freedom to pursue opportunity is paramount. But in a time of crisis, that creed can stray into the desperate territory of "every man for himself," writes Keith Boag.
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Democrats might have the edge over Trump, whether or not they want to believe it
Trump will have some advantages for the general election that could keep him in the Oval Office for another four years. Then again, there are ample signs he is in trouble.
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As the 'Dirtbag Left' reaches Super Tuesday, the ground is shifting under their feet
The campaigns of three candidates who have withdrawn from the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidency were important parts of the Dirtbag Left's strategy for electing Bernie Sanders. On Super Tuesday, the group's earlier excitement appears at best premature.
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