Assumption Parish prepares to celebrate 250th anniversary
The parish was established in 1767
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish is preparing to celebrate its 250th anniversary.
As the oldest continuous Catholic Parish in Ontario, Assumption predates the city, province and country that surround it. Established in 1767, the Catholic community grew with the population and, starting in 1917, other parishes were added to minister to Windsor`s growing population.
As population levels began to drop along with the number of priests, Assumption reunified in recent years, according to pastor Father Maurice Restivo.
Assumption Church, which many consider a landmark of the parish, was closed in 2014. Restivo said he hopes the campaign to restore the church will continue in the future so it can be used again.
Today the parish operates the Rosary Chapel and the McEwan Campus of the Assumption Parish at Holy Name of Mary Church.

Events to celebrate the anniversary will begin with a mass to honour the former St. Patrick`s Parish on March 17, and events are planned for Blessed Sacrament and Holy Name of Mary in June and September.
A community BBQ and open house will be held at the Assumption Church site on Aug. 13 and the parish will celebrate its founding day with a mass featuring Bishops Fabbro and Dabrowski followed by a lunch at the Caboto Club on Oct. 1.