Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau pose for Vogue photo shoot
Vogue magazine's profile on the 'new young face of Canadian politics' has tongues wagging across the country

It's been nearly two months since Justin Trudeau's government was elected and he became prime minister of Canada, and approximately 3½ years since a full day went by without his name making headlines somewhere in the world.
Google data shows that long before he assumed office, international media outlets had their eyes on Canada's boxing, swishy-haired, famously surnamed politician.
And now that he's leading the country, they can't seem to get enough of him — particularly at U.S. fashion and entertainment publications.
Just weeks after including Trudeau in its list of "10 unconventional alternatives to the sexiest man alive" (and hours after New York Times Magazine published a profile on the new Canadian prime minister) Vogue has released the online version of an upcoming print piece about our "youthful, optimistic" leader.
"A fit six feet two, the onetime actor greets me at his office door and — no desk guy — leads us to the sofa to chat," writes Vogue film critic John Powers of his meeting with Trudeau. "He's loosened and turned up his sleeves but not, alas, quite high enough to reveal the huge tattoo on his left arm: a Haida tribal raven that he got on his 40th birthday (it encircles an older tattoo of the Earth, which dates to his 20s)."
While the roughly 2,000-word profile contains lots of information about Trudeau's political career, family history and Canada's recent federal election, much of it focuses on the prime minister's personal life — most notably, his relationship with wife Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau.

One image of the couple, shot by Montreal-born photographer Norman Jean Roy, was revealed on Vogue.com when the online version of the piece went live Wednesday.
Its caption reads: "Trudeau's wife, Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau (in an Oscar de la Renta dress), says of their first date, 'At the end of dinner he said, 'I'm 31 years old, and I've been waiting for you for 31 years.'"
Grégoire-Trudeau also told Vogue that after the dinner described above, "We both cried like babies."
Of everything included in the article, it's the single photo of the PM and his wife — who was dubbed "the hottest first lady in the world" by the New York Post in October — that seems to be resonating most among Canadians on Twitter.
Some, are praising the photo as "romantic" and once again using it as evidence of how "hot" Canada's new leader is.
justin trudeau is the new ryan gosling (via <a href="https://twitter.com/feministabulous">@feministabulous</a>) <a href="https://t.co/5DwTviMMEF">https://t.co/5DwTviMMEF</a> <a href="https://t.co/AQq9y9euT5">pic.twitter.com/AQq9y9euT5</a>
It would have been cool if Sophie wore a Canadian designer in Vogue but man that photo is 🔥
🍁❤ <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Style?src=hash">#Style</a> "SOPHIE GREGOIRE-TRUDEAU AND HUSBAND JUSTIN REVEAL ROMANTIC SIDE IN VOGUE!" <a href="https://twitter.com/voguemagazine">@voguemagazine</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/JustinSophie1">@JustinSophie1</a> <a href="https://t.co/tPenuD0tnx">https://t.co/tPenuD0tnx</a>
Others are … less enthusiastic about the image.
Jeebus. This photo of PM Trudeau and Sophie is Harlequin Romance cover worthy. Just sayin' <a href="https://t.co/1M0t2Iucpy">https://t.co/1M0t2Iucpy</a>
Aside from everything else, the hed "Justin Trudeau Is the New Young Face of Canadian Politics" is amazingly lazy. <a href="https://t.co/1SvcSOuDqT">https://t.co/1SvcSOuDqT</a>
*vomits* This country must never have a hot, young, dynamic leader. It is all too ghastly. <a href="https://t.co/p6gsy4q1E3">https://t.co/p6gsy4q1E3</a>
Most of those taking note of the article, however, seem to find the sight of Canada's prime minister in Vogue magazine surreal. And incredibly funny.
Oh man, that Vogue pic of Trudeau gazing lovingly at Sophie Grégoire. This is NOT the WASPY emotional repression Canada is famous for.
LRT: Glen will not rest until Justin and Sophie have a photoshoot wearing clothes from the Stitches Outlet on Orfus Road
Vogue discovers Trudeau wears brown shoes sometimes, nods approvingly: <a href="https://t.co/xb6kekoH2h">https://t.co/xb6kekoH2h</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cdnpoli?src=hash">#cdnpoli</a>
Several Twitter users also called Vogue out for referring to Canada's Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould as "Native American" in the profile on Wednesday morning.
The magazine had updated its online version of the piece by mid-afternoon and issued the following correction:
"An earlier version of this story identified Canada's justice minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould as 'Native American.' The correct language, as noted above, is 'Canadian aboriginal.'"