The Princess Bride returns to TIFF
Celebrity cast to perform original script in live read

Inconceivable though it may seem, The Princess Bride is returning to the Toronto International Film Festival.
Tell you more?
As you wish…
In 1987, Princess Bride won Toronto Film Festival. On Sep 12th, we're going to pay tribute to that perfect script. <a href=""></a>
Filmmaker Jason Reitman is hosting a live-read Saturday, and he's been announcing the cast via Twitter.
It includes:
Gage Munroe, actor from Immortals and CBC's Murdoch Mysteries, who will appear as...
Gage Munroe in the role of the grandson, originated by <a href="">@thefredsavage</a> <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Live Read of The Princess Bride
Donald Glover, a.k.a. Childish Gambino, who's playing…
.<a href="">@donaldglover</a> in the role of Vizzini, originated by Wallace Shawn <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Princess Bride Live Read
Former Montreal Canadiens Georges Laraque as…
Hm... <a href="">@GeorgesLaraque</a> in the role of Fezzik, originated by Andre the Giant <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Live Read of The Princess Bride <a href=""></a>
Chris O'Dowd, from Bridesmaids and This is 40, playing …
.<a href="">@BigBoyler</a> in the role of Count Rugen, originated by Christopher Guest <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Live Read of The Princess Bride
Gael Garcia Bernal, of The Motorcycle Diaries and Rosewater, who's playing...
.<a href="">@gaelgarciab</a> in the role of Inigo Montoya, originated by Mandy Patinkin <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Live Read of The Princess Bride
And Canadian star Rachel McAdams, as none other than...
Rachel McAdams in the role of Buttercup, originated by Robin Wright <a href="">#TIFF15</a> Live Read of The Princess Bride
Some of the cast has yet to be announced, including who will play the role of Westley a.k.a the Dread Pirate Roberts a.k.a the farm boy.
But you can find out for yourself at the performance on Saturday at 6 p.m. at Ryerson Theatre.