Muslims tell ISIS they'd rather see Star Wars than fight in Syria
Twitter users ask for a raincheck, point out that they still don't know what happened to Jon Snow

ISIS released a message it claims is from the terrorist organization's leader Saturday, asking Muslims to join him in Iraq and Syria. Many Muslims, however, took the opportunity to mock him on Twitter instead.
On Boxing Day, ISIS social media accounts released a 24-minute audio recording in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi presumably tries reassuring listeners that the organization remains strong despite losses in Iraq and Syria.
ISIS's leader's message is basically "everything is OK despite everyone ganging up on us".
In his first transmission since May, the leader threatens Israel before adding that since ISIS is now surrounded by enemies on all sides and that Muslims of all stripes should join their crusade.
"We urgently call upon every Muslim to join the fight, especially those in the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia), rise," al-Baghdadi says in the recording.
Yet, many Muslims didn't quite see the point in joining ISIS. Instead, they responded with sarcasm, saying that they're simply too busy to head all the way down to the Middle East.
It was Boxing Day after all, and you can't miss those sales.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> The Boxing Day Sales are on, don't you remember!
... or a nice meal with your family.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Send my apologies to them leaders. My Aunty is cooking lamb stomach and intestines, a delicacy too hard to miss.
Others hadn't seen the new Star Wars film yet, and they definitely couldn't go and join ISIS before seeing that.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Sorry but I'm watching Star Wars, maybe tomorrow...
Sorry mate, I don't want to risk dying before the next Star Wars comes out. <a href=""></a>
And if it wasn't Star Wars, Netflix was holding them back.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Nah, I prefer to sleep in and binge watch shows on Netflix.
People asked for a raincheck. It's still close to Christmas, so chances are that all the flights are booked up anyway.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Sorry man, but i have to celebrate the new year with friends 🍻 🍸 and busy with organising a party 🎉. Maybe later 🔫 :p
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Sorry I have to go to the beach ☀️☀️🌴🌴 <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> I wanna wait until April and find out what happened to Jon Snow
A few did jokingly say yes to the invitation, although they might not be the caliber of fighter ISIS is looking for.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> My dad said I have to be home by 8pm. Will we be done by then?
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> I'm not Muslim but I'm giving up drinking for January so need something to do. I'm not very outdoorsy though, is that ok?
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Oh, dude, can I join? I'm actually an infidel, but I've nearly finished Fallout 4 so I'm going to have loads of time free
But for the most part, Twitter users came down against ISIS on moral objections.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> too busy being part of a civilised and functioning society.
... or any objections that allowed for a good pun.
<a href="">@iyad_elbaghdadi</a> Sorry am in a bit of a hurry, must 'daesh'!