What, if anything, should Canada do after Burkina Faso? Your reactions
RCMP sent to Ouagadougou to repatriate the Canadians killed, to 'help in whatever way they can'

A senior Canadian government official told CBC News that RCMP officers have been sent to Burkina Faso to "help in whatever way they can."
They will be repatriating the bodies of the six Canadians killed in last weekend's attack on a popular hotel and a cafe in Ouagadougou.
- CBC IN BURKINO FASO: RCMP sent to Burkina Faso to help retrieve bodies of Canadians killed in attack
- CBC Forum: What should Canada's response be in Burkina Faso?
- Burkina Faso: Canada's links to the West African nation
Government officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have condemned the attacks, while interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose used the attacks to criticize Trudeau for not doing enough to fight terrorism.
We posed the question to you: what do you think of Canada's response to the Burkina Faso attacks? How should we respond? You weighed in via the discussion on CBC Forum, our new attempt to encourage a different kind of conversation on our website.
Here are some of the most insightful, passionate and engaging comments we received during that discussion.
Please note that usernames are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style. Click on the username to see the comment in the blog format.
Some thought sending the RCMP to Burkina Faso was a good idea.
- "I think our response is about right. Could Trudeau have been a bit more angry? Sure but that does not do anything other than make people say "oh we really showed how mad we are". I think sending the RCMP is a show of support for the families and may help with the investigation. It is possible but unlikely the attacks were aimed at Canada but if we get too verbose in our response future attack will be aimed at Canada." — George Webb
- "I think our Prime Minister maintained the delicate balance between expressing condemnation of this terrorism — and our stance that we will not be bullied or frightened into withdrawing help. That's exactly what the terrorists want and they will NEVER win." — Vancouverite
Others thought Canada made the wrong decision ... or wasn't doing enough.
- "Why on earth do some feel that we have the right to butt in to the criminal justice system of a foreign nation unless asked for help? Imagine that if visitors to Canada were murdered here and their home nation sends police to sort us out." — Abolish Faith Schools
- "Sounds like a task for the military rather than the RCMP. The RCMP can't handle the crime in their own jurisdictions and we are sending them into a very high risk area." — trailer
- "Canada has already been sidelined by the coalition because of Trudeau's decision to pull out of the bombing campaign. ISIL and their sympathizers around the world are attacking our way of life. We need to do everything in our power to stop them. We cannot leave the 'dirty work' to others." — Eric

Many offered their own suggestions on how Canada should proceed.
- "People who are volunteering and or doing aid work in areas where there is an elevated risk of attacks, whether it terrorist or otherwise, should receive training. Free training from a Military or RCMP task force could save A LOT of Canadian lives in situations like this. The government could also charge foreigners (Americans) for the training. It would be cheaper than retaliation, and would leave more people alive." — MAtt P
- "A foreign travel advisory would be appropriate, and an offer to assist in whatever way we usefully can. The six Canadians who tragically died weren't attacked because they were Canadians; they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think politicians and others should use this to promote increased military action by Canada, since this kind of terrorism would not be deterred or prevented by such a response." — Nick Wright
- "Burkina Faso is an independent country, not a French territory. As an officially bilingual country Canada is uniquely qualified to assist in some way. Training of Burkina Faso's military would be my recommendation. My recollection from travel there is it is a country of welcoming and kind people — but a poor country. I'm sure the services of the volunteers were much appreciated by Burkina Faso; I would have suggested volunteers for the country but in view of the attack I'd not do it right now." — Juan Davis
One user even chose to share their personal anecdotes from time spent in Burkina Faso.
- "I've lived in Burkina and fund-raised for an orphanage there for over a decade. I am deeply saddened by the attack. While no one at 'our' orphanage was harmed, one of the directors in the other orphanage in the city of Yako (two hours from Ouagadougou) was killed in the attack. This was American Mike Riddering, who leaves behind his wife Amy to continue running the orphanage. A terrible tragedy." — Garjoh
You can read the full CBC Forum live blog discussion on Canada and Burkina Faso below.
There will be continued coverage from Ouagadougou via CBC's Nahlah Ayed, who is on the ground there and sharing stories of how the capital city is recovering.