'Also Shot on iPhone 6' parody ads imagine bathroom selfies on billboards
Pranksters make Apple's new ad campaign more funny — and realistic — by adding awkward selfies

A series of iPhone 6 parody ads are winning nods of approval from even the most die-hard of Apple fans this week for having some cheeky fun with the company's latest billboard campaign.
The ads in question, installed across the world earlier this month, display spectacular photos above a line of text that reads "Shot on iPhone 6."
One more great "Shot on iPhone 6" billboard, and then I'm done. <a href="http://t.co/uEtzuT7gVz">pic.twitter.com/uEtzuT7gVz</a>
"People take incredible photos and videos on iPhone 6 every day," reads the campaign’s companion site on Apple.com.
Called World Gallery, the website contains approximately 60 photos (many of which have been spotted on billboards), as well as information about who took each image, where it was shot, and which apps were used to enhance it.
The photos used for the campaign are undeniably stunning, and a few people have gone so far as to suggest that they weren’t in fact shot with an iPhone 6. Many more are rolling their eyes at Apple’s apparent suggestion that anyone can shoot a billboard-worthy photo using a smartphone.
Let’s face it – the average iPhone user is a lot more likely to have pet portraits and last night’s dinner in their camera roll than a perfectly lit field of Thai sunflowers.
The "Also Shot on iPhone 6" parody campaign makes this abundantly clear.
Also shot on iPhone 6 lolol <a href="http://t.co/s2nGEgExf7">http://t.co/s2nGEgExf7</a> <a href="http://t.co/8RUcXAjzSM">pic.twitter.com/8RUcXAjzSM</a>
Satirical versions of Apple’s new ads have been popping up around San Francisco in recent days, prompting lots of discussion online about what photos shot by a typical iPhone 6 user tend to look like.
As a Tumblr set up to document the project shows, awkward bathroom selfies dominate the game.

The Bold Italic reports that two San Francisco advertising creatives (who wish not to be named) are behind the spoof campaign.
"The iPhone 6 ads are all over San Francisco and we walk by them everyday. All the photos Apple selected for the campaign are beautiful," one of the artists explained. "Our thought was that people don't always take pretty pictures on their phones, so we thought it would be funny to show the other, non-beautiful, photos people take."

The duo started putting up posters in neighbourhoods in and around San Francisco with blown-up iPhone images on Sunday, and the web's been loving on them ever since.