Ramona Pringle
Technology Columnist
Ramona Pringle is an associate professor in Faculty of Communication and Design and director of the Creative Innovation Studio at Ryerson University. She is a CBC contributor who writes and reports on the relationship between people and technology.
Latest from Ramona Pringle

'A great way to wear your activism': Apps are powering a fashion resale revolution
With the help of apps, the digital thrift market is eclipsing traditional retail in growth as savvy shoppers hunt for bargains, luxury goods, and a more ecologically conscious way to keep their wardrobes up to date.
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Controversial Clearview AI app could 'end privacy.' So, what now?
When it comes to the new facial recognition app, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle, say experts. But new laws could give users some recourse against the unfettered use of their data.
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Tech trends for 2020: minimalism, satellite-driven data and China's rise as a superpower
Every January, along with the new year come scads of predictions about what lies ahead. Sure, there will be flashy wearables and new smartphone models. But here are the real innovations and trends according to tech columnist Ramona Pringle.
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Kids don't trust Alexa to give the right answer
Many grownups turn to the internet for answers to their questions. But when humans and computers like Alexa come up with different responses, who to choose? Unlike adults, kids tend to side with the humans.
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Would social media be better if we paid for it?
Information wants to be free — that’s a founding premise of the internet. But would paying for services like Facebook and Google make for a better experience? Maybe.
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The case for making political parties follow the same privacy rules as corporations
Political parties aren't being sufficiently upfront about how they collect and use voter data, experts say, especially when it comes to their apps.
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What MIT Media Lab's funding scandal says about sexism in tech
The MIT Media Lab accepted — and covered up — millions of dollars in donations from billionaire sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. While one institution is at the centre of the scandal, the issues at the core of the controversy are prevalent across the tech industry, experts say.
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'Aging with attitude': How to fix technology's ageism problem
Resources devoted to seniors and their adoption of new digital technology are sparse, but that's slowly starting to change, writes Ramona Pringle.
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If you work for Uber or DoorDash, your boss isn't a person but an algorithm
Apps like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash or Postmates are all part of the gig economy, offering the freedom of "being your own boss." But it's not nearly that simple, writes Ramona Pringle.
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The downside of giving app users too many superpowers
The superhero with X-ray vision who can see through buildings is probably guilty of substantial privacy violations, and the same applies to technology superpowers. Here's how a hot email startup offering users 'superhuman' abilities created a privacy controversy.
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