Trudeau travels to Lima, Peru, Paris and London later this month
Trudeau will meet British Prime Minister Theresa May and the Queen while he is in London

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to Lima, Peru, Paris and London in an eight-day whirlwind trip later this month.
He will be in Lima, April 12-14, Paris, April 15-17 and London, April 17-20 for the Commonwealth heads of government meeting.
In Lima, he will take part in the VIII Summit of the Americas and speak at the III CEO Summit of the Americas on the benefits of investing in Canada.
In Paris, Trudeau is to meet French President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Michaelle Jean, secretary general of la Francophonie and Canada's former governor general.
He is to meet British Prime Minister Theresa May and the Queen while he is in London.
The theme of the Commonwealth summit is "Towards a Common Future" and the Prime Minister's Office says Trudeau plans to emphasize the need for action on climate change and ocean protection and the need to create economic growth that benefits everyone.
He is to host the G7 summit in Charlevoix, Que., in June and the host traditionally visits major member countries in the lead-up to the meeting, hence the trip to Paris.
He said in a statement that the Summit of the Americas provides a chance for regional leaders to discuss a forward-looking agenda for the hemisphere and promote economic growth.
"The summit's focus on the need for democratic governance in the fight against corruption is very relevant and I look forward to discussing what we can all do to promote healthy democratic societies."