
The Nanos Number

Each Wednesday, Nik Nanos of Nanos Research digs beneath the numbers with Power & Politics host Evan Solomon to get to the political, economic and social forces that shape our lives.

The Nanos Number

11 years ago
Duration 4:12
Nik Nanos of Nanos Research talks about what the June 30 federal byelections results can tell us about the next federal election.

Each Wednesday, Nik Nanos of Nanos Research digs beneath the numbers with Power & Politics host Evan Solomon to get to the political, economic and social forces that shape our lives.

Nik Nanos goes beyond the numbers every Wednesday on CBC Power & Politics with host Evan Solomon. (CBC)

Recognized as one of Canada's top research experts, Nik Nanos provides numbers-driven counsel to senior executives and major organizations. He leads the analyst team at Nanos, is a fellow of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association, a research associate professor with SUNY (Buffalo) and a 2013 public policy scholar with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC.

Tune in for the Nanos Number, Wednesdays on Power & Politics with Evan Solomon, 5 to 7 p.m. ET on CBC News Network.

View past episodes below:

June 30: The byelections and 2015

Nik Nanos of Nanos Research talks about what the June 30 federal elections results can tell us about the next federal election. Watch the full episode.

June 25: Byelection battleground

The Nanos Number: 7,172; the advance poll turnout in the TrinitySpadina byelection, one of four federal byelections on June 30. Nanos says the large turnout shows it will likely be a tight race. Watch the full episode.

June 18: Leadership numbers

The Nanos Number: 14, the percentage of Canadians who would prefer Tom Mulcair as prime minister. That number is  trending downward, while Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has reached a new high on the Nanos Party Power Index. Watch the full episode.

June 11: The polls on the eve of the election

The Nanos Number: 57, the Party Power Brand score out of 100 for the Ontario Liberal Party heading into the June 12 election. Watch the full episode

June 10: Trends in the Ontario election numbers

The Nanos Number: -6, the drop in turnout for the advance polls in the 2014 Ontario election. What impact will voter turnout have on the election? Watch the full episode

June 4: Pipeline politics

The Nanos Number: 36, the net negative impact on Conservative candidates voter support if the government gives quick approval of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. Is quick approval worth the risk for the Harper government? Watch the full episode

May 28: Byelection battleground

The Nanos Number: 55, the percentage support for Olivia Chow in 2011 in Trinity-Spadina, one of four byelections on June 30 that will gauge the parties' support among voters 16 months or less from a federal election. Watch the full episode

May 21: Leadership numbers and Trudeau's abortion stand

The Nanos Number: 31, the percentage of Canadians who would prefer Stephen Harper as prime minister. That number is trending upward and represents his highest score in the past 10 months. Watch the full episode

May 14: Consumer confidence

The Nanos Number: 59, the Bloomberg-Nanos consumer confidence number, near the high for this year. Why this might not be good news for the Conservatives. Watch the full episode

May 7: Harper's spat with the Supreme Court

The Nanos Number: 27, percentage support for both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau as best prime minister, a dead heat and a hit for Harper's popularity. Watch the full episode

April 30: Jobs and the economy

The Nanos Number: 27, the percentage of Canadians who say jobs and the economy is the number one issue, up 7 points and a possible advantage for the Conservatives.  Watch the full episode

April 23: Ontario politics

The Nanos Number: 36 per cent — the support for both the Ontario Liberals and PCs before the Ontario budget and a possible election. Watch the full episode

April 15: Jim Flaherty, by the numbers

The Nanos Number: 59, Canadian consumer confidence according to Bloomberg-Nanos, a measure of Canadians' confidence in the economy and a testament to the late finance minister Jim Flaherty's stewardship of the economy. Watch the full episode

April 9: Harper gets a boost

The Nanos Number: 31, the percentage of Canadians that give Stephen Harper the nod as the best leader to be prime minister. Watch the full episode

April 7: Quebec votes

What is the ballot box issue as Quebec voters go to the polls, and what role could low-voter turnout play? Watch the full episode

April 2: How the federal leaders are faring

The Nanos Number: 30, the percentage of Canadians surveyed who said Stephen Harper is the federal leader who would make the best prime minister. That's one point ahead of Justin Trudeau, the first time Harper has been ahead of the Liberal leader since January. Watch the full episode

March 26: PQ losing ground to Quebec Liberals

The Nanos Number: 40, the percentage support for the Liberals in an online Leger survey. Watch the full episode

March 19: Provincial Liberals show gains in Quebec

The Nanos Number: 39, the percentage of respondents to a Quebec online poll who said they would vote for the Liberal Party of Quebec, a jump of 5 points in the last month. Watch the full episode

March 12: Support for Keystone XL pipeline drops

The Nanos Number: 63. That's the percentage of Americans who support or somewhat support the Keystone XL pipeline, down 11 points in the U.S. over the past year. Watch the full episode

March 5: Parti Quebecois and the Quebec election

The Nanos Number: 41, the percentage of Quebec residents angry with the PQ government, too low to unseat the PQ at this point. Watch the full episode

Feb. 26: Canada's middle-class

The Nanos Number: 243,800. That's the median net worth of Canadian families, up 45% since 2005 according to Statistics Canada. Watch the full episode

Feb. 19: What's at stake for the Liberals?

The Nanos Number: 47, the percentage of Canadians that would consider voting Liberal, down six points since the end of December, as the party prepares to hold its policy convention. Watch the full episode

Feb. 12:  How important is the budget to the Conservatives?

The Nanos Number: 36, the percentage of Canadians who would consider voting Conservative, a low in this week's Nanos tracking. Watch the full episode

Feb. 5: Canadians feelings about the economy

The Nanos Number: 57. That's the consumer confidence index, an eight-month low, as the government prepares to unveil its budget. Watch the full episode

Jan. 29: Senate reform and Trudeau's gambit

The Nanos Number: 32, the number of - now former - Liberal senators cut loose Wednesday by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. How will this affect support for Trudeau and his party. Watch the full episode

Jan. 22: The polls in Quebec

The Nanos Number: 38, the Conservatives' Party Power Index score in the province of Quebec - down 5 points since December. What could it mean for the next election? Watch the episode

Jan. 15: Keystone XL awareness up - but support drops

The Nanos Number: 52, the percentage of Canadians who support or somewhat support approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, down 16 points from April 2013. Read more and watch the episode

Jan. 8: Government's rating down, despite confidence in economy

The Nanos Number: 61, the confidence index in the key political battleground of Ontario, up from a score of 55 one year ago. Read more and watch the full episode

Watch more episodes of The Nanos Number from 2012 and 2013.