Lawrence Toet's mailout inspires more poll ideas on Reddit
'Are you A) Conservative B) Wrong?'

Earlier this week, Manitoba Conservative MP Lawrence Toet attempted to find out what his constituents think about the government's proposed anti-terror bill by sending out a two-question survey that asks if they a) agree with him that more protection is needed or b) believe "terrorists are victims too."
In response, here are some of the suggestions Reddit commenters offered for future public opinion research initiatives:
Do you believe the Keystone pipeline is in Canada's best interests?
- Yes! It will create thousands of jobs.
- No! I am an environmental terrorist and should be put in prison.
Will you be voting for Stephen Harper next election?
- Yes, I want Canadians to be safe.
- No, I like ISIS.
Are you against Marijuana legalization?
- Yes, I want children to be safe.
- No, I think all drugs should be legal and served in school cafeterias across the country.
Are you: A) Conservative? B) Wrong?
Sure, let's pretend that only conservatives pull this sh*t. No, it's not right--but turning a blind eye to your side is just as bad.
As a Canadian, why didn't I get one of these in the mail?! I have some comments for those blank lines.
I just don't like that they told me how to fold mail. NOBODY TELLS ME HOW TO CREASE A TREE SLICE.
no postage though so that's a plus
Either you abhor false dichotomies or you support terrorism!
Poll results suggest 5% of citizens are terrorist sympathizers and another 5% didn't respond, so also terrorist sympathizers.
But rationally debating an issue is EXACTLY WHAT THE TERRORISTS WANT!!! Or, the opposite. One of those two.
This is why you can't trust polls. A lot depends on how the question is asked.