How to watch the Green Party of Canada choose its next leader
Elizabeth May's successor to be announced after 7 p.m. ET on Saturday
The Green Party of Canada will announce the results of its federal leadership contest Saturday evening in Ottawa.
CBC News will have special online coverage of the Green Party leadership results, hosted by Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos and featuring CBC's David Thurton and Éric Grenier, starting at 5:45 p.m. ET on, CBC GEM, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
The first results are expected to be announced shortly after 7 p.m.
Elizabeth May, the party's last permanent federal leader, announced in November that she was leaving the job she has held since 2006.
The B.C. MP said at the time that she felt comfortable stepping aside because the party delivered a solid performance in the 2019 federal election campaign.
"We achieved more than one million votes for the first time ever," May said. "As I look around the world ... there is no other country with first-past-the-post that has achieved what we've achieved."
May has continued to sit as an MP and as the party's parliamentary caucus leader. Jo-Ann Roberts has been serving as interim leader.
The results are expected to be tabulated by 6:30 pm ET. Mail-in ballots were counted the Thursday before the leadership convention under the supervision of observers from Welch LLP, the party said in a media statement.
The party used a preferential ballot system for the contest, with a single transferable vote.
The evening will feature a tribute to May, who helped bring the party to national prominence.