Canada's refugee plan: Does the U.S. have cause for concern?
Republican-controlled U.S. Senate committee to discuss Syrian refugees north of the border

A powerful U.S. Senate committee has scheduled a meeting for next week titled "Canada's Fast-Track Refugee Plan: Unanswered Questions and Implications for U.S. National Security."
Canada's government won't be testifying, but Ambassador Gary Doer sent a note outlining nine security measures the Canadian government has taken, including use of U.S. security databases and prioritization of low-risk refugees.
"We want to deal with the facts," Doer told The Canadian Press. "We're not naive enough to suggest that there's not a lot of politics in this."
At least three witnesses invited to testify at the Republican-controlled committee are likely to express concern about Canada's approach.
Should the U.S. be worried about Canada's Syrian refugee plan?
Readers let us know in our latest CBC Forum, the live, hosted conversation meant to encourage a different kind of dialogue on our website.
(Please note that usernames are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style. Click on the username to see the comment in the blog format.)
Some readers felt the committee meeting was an intrusion into Canadian affairs.
"I think the U.S. should stop trying to make us so fearful. I am so tired of being told to be afraid." — alberta canada
"I am concerned that the Senate committee has cherry-picked witnesses to support a pre-existing bias." — EOttawa
"They should be more concerned about their own home-bred terrorism." — Jose Figueredo
Others warned the U.S. would tighten its borders to all Canadians.
"The U.S. would be correct in enforcing tourist visas on Canadian citizens now." — Paul
U.S. scrutiny is justified, some readers said.
"I don't blame the Americans for being concerned. They [refugees] were rushed in with little planning. They are not organized to even find them a place to live, a total screw-up." — sandy
"We need to think like a community and be open to the concerns and insights from our neighbours, just as we would expect the same when their decisions might affect us." — James
Others called for compassion above all.
"We're talking about saving lives and bringing good, productive people to Canada. How anyone could be against this is beyond me, and their fears are not borne out by the facts." — Brian Bailey
"There may always be someone to slip through the cracks. That does not mean we abandon our humanitarian efforts." — Robbie Canuck
You can read the complete discussion in the blog below.
With files from The Canadian Press