
Justin Trudeau disagrees with dad, agrees with Harper about minority rule

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says the party with the most seats on Oct. 19 should get the first chance at governing, a position that puts him at odds with his father but in line with political rival Stephen Harper. Peter Mansbridge's one-on-one interview with Trudeau airs tonight on The National.

Watch Peter Mansbridge's exclusive interview with Justin Trudeau tonight on CBC's The National

Preview of Justin Trudeau interview with Peter Mansbridge

10 years ago
Duration 0:48
CBC News Chief Correspondent sits down for 1-on-1 interviews with each of the 4 leaders

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said the party that receives the most seats on Oct. 19 should get the first chance at governing, a position that puts him at odds with his father but in line with his political rival Conservative Leader Stephen Harper.

Trudeau's comments are part of an exclusive wide-ranging interview with CBC Chief Correspondent Peter Mansbridge airing Tuesday evening on The National

Trudeau was asked if the party with the most seats has the right to govern in a minority government situation following the Oct. 19 election results.

"Yes, that's the way it's always been, whoever commands the most seats gets the first shot at governing," Trudeau said. 

"Whoever gets the most seats gets the first shot at trying to command the confidence of the House."

Harper, in an interview with Mansbridge this week, also said the party that wins the most seats should form the government.

However Mansbridge pointed out that Justin Trudeau's father Pierre Trudeau, during the 1979 campaign, suggested that it's not automatic and that the governing party has a right to see what its options are before ceding power.

"I think the reality is, there is such a clear desire for change amongst Canadians right now, that Mr. Harper will have a very difficult time commanding the confidence of the House after this election, after these 10 years of failings that he's had," Trudeau said.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair has said his party is open to forming a coalition government with the Liberals. But Trudeau has repeatedly said that while the two parties could work on legislative bills, there will be no formal coalition with the NDP.

The interview, covering a wide range of issues, can be seen Tuesday night on The National at 9 p.m. ET on CBC News Network, and at 10 p.m./10:30 NT on CBC-TV. It is the second of four interviews with the federal leaders airing this week — read more about the interviews here.