
Green Party election promises from the campaign trail so far

Here's a running list of the promises made by Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in the run up to the Oct. 19 federal election. The list will be updated as the campaign continues.

The Green Party released its full campaign platform on Sept. 9

Elizabeth May Interview with Peter Mansbridge

10 years ago
Duration 24:39
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May sits down with Peter Mansbridge for an exclusive interview.

As the Oct. 19 federal election approaches, here's a running list of promises made by Green Party Leader Elizabeth May since the campaign began Aug. 2.

Sept. 29: Table a bill that would force federally regulated companies to conform to Bill 101, Quebec's language law.

Sept. 25: Table a "wood charter" that would promote wood construction for federal buildings.

Sept. 23: Increase taxes on major corporations to 16.5 per cent from 15 per cent and raise tax rates for big banks and oil companies to 20 per cent from 15 per cent. Impose a tax increase of 1.5 percentage points on those earning more than $150,000.

Sept. 16: Cut tuition fees for students and their families without adequate financial means. Forgive all student loans over $10,000. Abolish interest on new student loans and increase available funding for bursaries. Create a national Community and Environment Service Corps, to provide $1 billion a year to municipalities to hire youth. Provide a guaranteed livable income to ensure no person's income falls below what is necessary for health, life, and dignity.

Sept. 10: Close all tax-haven loopholes.

Sept. 9: Set up national pharmacare program. Spend $6.4 billion on municipal infrastructure. Roll back cuts to Veterans Affairs, Canada Post and the CBC. Tax carbon and return benefits to individuals through "carbon dividend." Protect environment from oil tankers and pipelines. Bring in a national housing strategy. Axe university tuition by 2020. Repeal Bill C-51, the anti-terror act. Scrap subsidies for the fossil-fuel industry and raise taxes on large corporations to 19 per cent from 15 per cent.

Sept. 2: Introduce a national seniors strategy, which would include a guaranteed livable income, a national dementia strategy and increases to the Canada Health Transfer to account for the age of a province's population.

Sept. 1Restore door-to-door mail delivery across the country and have Canada Post make up its budget shortfall by getting into insurance and banking services.

Aug. 25Create a national housing strategy. More funding for the co-operative housing sector. Retrofit all homes by 2030 to increase energy efficiency. Implement a guaranteed livable income to help low-income Canadians and youth buy homes. Ensure a percentage of all newly built units are reserved for affordable housing. Increase access to social housing for First Nations on and off-reserve.

Aug. 18Legislate a ban on super tankers on British Columbia's coast and impose a moratorium on drilling for oil and gas in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Produce stronger environmental assessment laws to help defend coastal communities from risky pipeline and tanker schemes. Repeal the Conservative omnibus security legislation.

Aug. 14: Improve benefits for veterans. Provide any veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder a service dog if they want one.

Read the Green Party platformMobile users: View the document
Read the Green Party platform (PDF KB)
Read the Green Party platform (Text KB)
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