James Fitz-Morris
Parliament Hill
James Fitz-Morris covered federal politics in CBC's Parliament Hill bureau from 2006 to February, 2016.
Latest from James Fitz-Morris

North American foreign ministers adopt new tone ahead of Quebec City meeting
When the foreign ministers of North America last met, they all agreed on the military mission against ISIS, sang the praises of a yet-to-be-finalized TPP trade deal and held out some hope for the Keystone XL pipeline. What a difference a year makes.
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New child benefits coming later in 2016 – after tax bill comes due on UCCB
It's a new year, with a new government and a promised new approach to government child care benefits. But until the Liberals roll out their new tax-free Canada child tax benefit, the old system remains in place — including a potential hit come tax time.
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Tax changes will affect 2016 paycheques, but few may notice
A person making $200,000 a year in British Columbia will reap the biggest tax cut of 2016. A top-income earner in Alberta, conversely, will fare worse. How much worse? For every dollar over $300,000 in income, Albertans will be paying 7.75 percentage points more in taxes on that money than last year.
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Finance Minister Bill Morneau may have enough provincial support to boost CPP
As the federal, provincial, and territorial finance ministers gather in Ottawa for a meeting today and tomorrow there will be some new faces around the table. Eight of the 14 have been appointed to their portfolios since the finance ministers last held a meeting.
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How Canada attempts to cut carbon emissions
With the adoption of a new global climate change treaty, Canada must now work on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Here are the three main ways Canada is currently trying to do that.
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TFSA limits lower in 2016, but past contribution room remains
Don't panic. Liberals may have rolled back the Conservatives' increase for tax-free savings account limits — but you aren't losing any contribution room that has already accumulated.
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Liberal government passes 'middle-class' tax cut
The paycheques of nearly a third of Canadian workers will look a little different in the New Year. The House of Commons made official today the government's "middle-class tax cut" and corresponding tax-hike for the "one per cent," Both will kick in on Jan. 1
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Finance Minister Bill Morneau won't be nailed down on $10B deficit
Before pen has hit paper on next year's budget, the Liberals look to be already in the hole by about $15-billion — 50 per cent more than the Liberal election platform promised either of the first two deficits would be.
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Bill Morneau confirms tax cuts coming for 'middle class'
Finance Minister Bill Morneau outlined his plans today to move ahead with tax cuts for what the government calls "middle class" workers, while at the same time hiking taxes on the "top one per cent."
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The history behind the pomp and ceremony of the throne speech
Friday's speech from the throne draws its tradition from the mother of parliaments, Westminster — albeit with a Canadian slant. The Governor General is conveyed to Parliament Hill by a horse-drawn carriage — unless, of course, it's too cold. Here's more on the history of the throne speech.
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