Revenge of the comment section: The Russians are coming (for our elections)
Some commenters think the CIA should show proof of Russian intervention in the U.S. election

Russia hacking the U.S. election sounds like something out of a pulp fiction novel, but recently, it became reality. The CIA reported it uncovered evidence of Russia interfering with the U.S. election, but president-elect Donald Trump dismissed it as "just another excuse" for Hillary Clinton's defeat. Some commenters want the CIA to show proof that the hacking took place, while others say the interference has been a long time coming.
We need proof
I don't buy it, folks. All we hear is how Russia is to blame for interfering in the election, but we never see the proof. If organizations like the CIA have proof, why not show it? Are all these leftist world leaders, who are being elected out of office, just going to keep blaming Russia because they have lost the confidence of the people?
NATO is the aggressor
That's what happens when you set up camp and hyper-militarize the border between the Baltic states and Russia. The aggressor here is NATO, and nobody expects Russia to sit on its hands and do nothing.
A haven for hatred
Europe is becoming a haven for hatred and far-right ideals. It harkens back to the time of hobnailed boots trampling on foreign soils. It is ramped up by the ugly underside of social media, where many of today's easily-led get their news. They won't read mainstream media and use common sense to sort out the stories. Instead, they choose to believe all the rhetoric that supports their far right agenda.
It's a slippery slope to fascism, fuelled by ignorance and hero worship. When you have the Nazi salute being thrown up at a meeting steps from the White House, and the Trump regime cozying up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, it makes for scary times. Be careful what you wish for because history as a nasty way of repeating itself.
U.S. meddling
Can't believe the U.S. hypocrisy over claims that Russia meddled in their election. The US seems to have put in and controlled more governments around the world than all other countries combined.
A lesson in foreign intelligence
It's going to be a long four years if the president doesn't trust his own intelligence sources. I guess he'll just continue to suffer from a further lack of intelligence.
- Bob Duff
A nation in peril
Win or lose is not the issue. The issue is whether a foreign power influenced the outcome for the benefit of that foreign power. If Trump can't understand that, his nation is in peril.
Thorough investigation needed
The incoming government needs to set aside their feelings that the CIA might be biased and allow them to do their job. This serious claim needs to be thoroughly investigated. Anything that weakens the democratic process needs to be rooted out and eliminated.
Here's what happened
Russia hacked the election, and here is how they did it.
They tricked Clinton into setting up a non-secure server, they then forced her to transmit and disclose secret documents on the same server, then they forced her to set up the Clinton Foundation, and then they influenced 99 per cent of mainstream media to support and make excuses for Clinton.
Those deplorable Russians eh?
If you love your country…
Donald, it's not about Clintons and the Democrats anymore. The election is over. You won. If the Russians actively tried to interfere with your country's elections, you shouldn't deny it. It's wrong. If you love your country and want to make it great, you shouldn't want foreign countries like Russia interfering with your democratic processes.
- John Voiles
Reader comments have been edited for length and clarity.