Revenge of the comment section: Where's the 'poor-sensitive' budget?
Commenters are less than impressed with the Liberals' second budget

The Liberal government introduced its second budget last week, but its first "gender-sensitive" one. The plan includes measures to enhance childcare and parental leave, while eliminating the transit tax credit, which has many people upset. Commenters aren't too pleased about spending and deficit numbers, either.
Environmental measures
So, let me get this straight: we're paying carbon taxes to discourage the use of gasoline so we won't destroy the environment, but we are also losing a tax credit to encourage the use of public transit, which helps reduce harmful emissions. These measures are contradictory with respect to the environment, but both will generate more tax revenue.
Liberals: what are you more interested in, the environment, or more tax revenue?
- Matty Mac
Bad for the middle class
A budget that is tailor-made for the government's "identity politics" plans for re-election. This budget is aimed at a shrinking middle class, which will lose even more jobs as corporate powers use advanced robotics and computer algorithms to replace human labour.
Keep the fares down
Between the elimination of Volume Incentive Program in January, which allowed me a 12 per cent discount on a monthly pass because my employer bought more than 500 passes per month, and the elimination of the federal tax credit, which saved me 15 per cent more, my transit costs have increased close to 30 per cent in the last three months.
I appreciate the federal support for transit capital costs, but I'd feel better about the elimination of the transit tax credit if both federal and provincial governments committed to covering a larger portion of the operating costs and kept the fares down.
Fewer hugs, more briefings
Why is that we never see pictures of Justin Trudeau reading over documents at his desk? Or in a briefing? Or actually doing his job? It's always at a theatre production or doing yoga or giving a hug.
More than a gesture
It's great to see even a gesture towards a gender-equitable budget, and this is more than a gesture. It appears to be based on a recognition that women are over half the population of this country, and yet suffer from systemic inequality.
I've been disappointed with Trudeau's dismissal of electoral reform and angered by his duplicity regarding the environment, but this is good.
Tax on rideshares
I support the tax on rideshare services, especially to level the playing field as they become available across Canada (disclaimer: I'm a driver on the Lyft platform in Seattle). But to take away a credit for users of public transportation — that's just asinine.
Not a fan
I'm not too happy about the non-refundable public transit tax credit. I pay so much for TTC with their annual fare increases. This tax credit helped at the end of the year to recoup that cost. Thanks so much, Liberal government. Definitely not a fan.
Path of least resistance
The Liberals are taxing the hell out of businesses and their wealthy shareholders and leadership teams. I know it's fun to beat up on the rich, but don't be so naïve to think that these companies are going to stick around, not to mention continue to invest in Canada. That's not how it works, people. Money, just like water, finds always flows to the path of least resistance.
Childcare is not a women's issue
It is interesting most of the comments are from men who resent money being spent on "women's issues" like daycare. Children are not women's issues — they are the next generation who will support us all. Anything that makes life better for them benefits all of us.
A poor-sensitive budget
While the first-ever "gender-sensitive" budget is all well and good, when are are we going to see a first-ever "poor-sensitive" budget?
Comments have been edited for length and clarity.