Natan Obed
Freelance contributor
Natan Obed is the president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the national representational organization for Inuit in Canada. He is originally from Nain, the northernmost community in Nunatsiavut. He has devoted his career to working with Inuit representational organizations to improve the well-being of Inuit in Canada.
Latest from Natan Obed

We must adopt policies that require proof of Indigenous status and end self-identification
The dishonesty is not only shocking, it is a completely unnecessary betrayal by those whose intent may otherwise be to do good work, writes Natan Obed.
Opinion |

Resilience, self-determination are the tools Inuit youth need to fight suicide
Culture, language and history — the self-determination of Inuit — all play a role in overall mental health. For that reason, we need to foster a stronger connection to these elements in our youth in order to combat the teen suicide crisis that has ravaged many Inuit communities.
Opinion |

So, Canada...
The True North — or rather True Inuit Nunangat — strong and free
When O Canada was informally adopted as the national anthem in 1939, the term “True North strong and free” had little practical application to Inuit. Natan Obed reflects on what it could mean today.
Canada 2017 |