Steve Bonspiel
Editor, The Eastern Door
Steve Bonspiel is the editor/publisher of Kahnawake Mohawk Territory’s award-winning weekly newspaper The Eastern Door. He has won numerous provincial and national awards for his articles and editorials. Bonspiel is Mohawk, from Kanesatake, currently based in Kahnawake, Que.
Latest from Steve Bonspiel

Canadian justice system needs overhaul in light of Gerald Stanley verdict
How can someone get away with lifting a pistol, pulling the trigger and shooting someone in the back of the head, and not go to jail?
Indigenous |

Kanesatake Mohawks have nothing left to give: Steve Bonspiel
In order for the average Canadian to understand the Indigenous land struggle in this country, I often use a simple analogy that paints a clear picture everyone can understand.
Indigenous |

The Oka Crisis was supposed to be a wake-up call. Little has changed in 27 years
The land in dispute? It's still in the hands of Oka. Mohawk land illegally taken, yet no one is doing anything to take it back.
Opinion |

Sixties Scoop survivors victimized twice, columnist says
Survivors of the Sixties Scoop won a big court battle against the Ontario government in mid-February but the fight is far from over, writes Steve Bonspiel.
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Canada's 150-year celebration doesn't fly here
With all of the mainstream hype about Canada’s 150th year of confederation, it’s no surprise that many Native people are using a vastly different word to describe it — colonialism — and people are also raising much awareness on social media in the form of #Resistance150.
Indigenous |

Indigenous tobacco trade not 'contraband' industry
The recent arrests of four indigenous men on tobacco-related charges clearly demonstrates how the federal government and police callously demonize what they call the “contraband tobacco industry.”
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'Short-sighted' new Kahnawake law excludes Mohawks adopting non-indigenous children
If a Mohawk couple adopts a child who is not Mohawk, the adoptive parents have committed an "offence," according to a new law in Kahnawake, Que.
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First Nations equality always comes down to 'monumental David vs. Goliath epic struggle'
"There is something seriously wrong with a government fighting the first peoples of this land so they can shortchange them, while wasting money that could be going to help all children," says Steve Bonspiel.
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Reaction to Val-d'Or allegations outlines Canada's racial divide
After allegations surfaced of Sûreté du Québec officers in Val-d’Or abusing a number of First Nations women over the course of a decade, Joe Public reacted in different ways, which essentially outlined the racial divide in this country.
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