Leslie Jones website hacked and taken offline
Personal information, explicit photos purportedly of actress posted online

Leslie Jones has once again fallen victim to online abuse, with her website hacked to reveal personal information and explicit photos purportedly of the actress and comedian.
Jones's personal website JustLeslie.com, which had listed information such as her past roles, was taken offline Wednesday after someone posted private information — including her driver's licence, passport details and what appeared to be her phone number — along with nude photos and racist taunting, such as a video of a gorilla that was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo earlier this year.
Jones, a Saturday Night Live cast member who co-starred in the recent Ghostbusters reboot, has been targeted by racist, misogynistic bullying since earlier this summer.
Though an active user of social media, Jones has not yet responded.
However, Ghostbusters director Paul Feig lashed out at the bizarre campaign of online vitriol and abuse against the actress.
"What's happening to @Lesdoggg is an absolute outrage. Alt right, haters, trolls, 'comedians'; whoever the f--k you all are, you're just sad," he tweeted.
Some other celebrities weighed in, too.
these acts against leslie jones....are sickening. its racist & sexist. it's disgusting. this is hate crimes. this aint "kids joshing round"
I don't care how you feel about Leslie Jones, she doesn't deserve this. Nobody deserves what she's been subjected to just for existing.
Last month, after receiving a wave of vile, hateful messages on social media, Jones shared a selection of the disturbing tweets, called for action against such online abuse and vowed to leave Twitter.
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The company responded and said it had "taken action on many of the accounts reported" by Jones and others, including permanently suspending that of conservative provocateur and Breitbart.com editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who sparked a barrage of harassment against Jones.
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The actress subsequently returned to her enthusiastic use of the social media service, which helped land her a gig serving as an NBC celebrity commentator during the just-concluded Summer Olympics in Rio.