'Best of three?' British celebs disappointed, resigned in Brexit vote reaction
Many famous Brits tweet disappointment in the vote to exit the EU

As the news of Britain's referendum results came in, British celebrities were quick to chime in on social media to post their reactions.
- Britain stuns in vote to leave EU, puts country on uncertain course
- LIVE BLOG | The world reacts to Britain's historic vote
- Britain's out. Here's what happens next
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling tweeted up a storm, but perhaps her most poignant online remark was made shortly after the votes were counted:
I don't think I've ever wanted magic more. <a href="https://t.co/gVNQ0PYIMT">https://t.co/gVNQ0PYIMT</a>
Meanwhile, actor Hugh Laurie, best known for his lead role as a drug-addicted doctor on the TV show House was more wistful, hoping to still grant the Remain side a sporting chance:
Best of three?
Late night talk show host James Corden, who recently shone as host of the Tony Awards, was just plain sad:
I can't get my head around what's happening in Britain.I'm so sorry to the youth of Britain. I fear you've been let down today x
Politically astute songwriter Billy Bragg bemoaned the results:
Worst of all outcomes: Very narrow victory. England votes out, Scotland in. Boris in debt to Farage. Rancour and division ahead.
Booker Prize-winning author Salman Rushdie expressed his disappointment in the result by pointing to a generation gap in voting patterns:
Old Farts 1 The Future 0. Well done England. Maybe lose to Iceland next & get out of Europe properly? <a href="https://t.co/ka5Qvm2ajU">https://t.co/ka5Qvm2ajU</a>
Fantasy author Neil Gaiman was decidedly down-to-earth in his assessment:
Dear UK, <br><br>good luck. <br><br>I am afraid you are going to need it,<br> <br>love<br><br>Neil.
80s pop star Boy George tried to temper the anxiety by looking to the future with a touch of boyish optimism:
There's no use crying over spilt milk. We'll just ave to mek the best of it!