P.E.I. campaign trail: Leaders met in 2nd TV debate

The four P.E.I. political party leaders participated in the election campaign's second televised debate Thursday night.
Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker, Progressive Conservative Leader Rob Lantz, Liberal Leader Wade MacLauchlan and NDP Leader Mike Redmond came together at UPEI for The Guardian's Decision '15 Leaders Debate on EastLink TV.
CBC P.E.I. reporter Natalia Goodwin live blogged the event.
The candidates spent the day Thursday campaigning.
Federal deputy leader Megan Leslie joined the NDP in District 14, Charlottetown-Lewis Point, with local candidate Gord McNeilly, and will join Redmond at the Old Triangle in Charlottetown later tonight.
Lantz spent most of the day in Charlottetown districts.
MacLauchlan campaigned in his own York-Oyster Bed district in the morning and in District 6, Stratford-Kinlock, with local candidate David Dunphy, in the afternoon.
Bevan-Baker was in his own District 17, Kellys Cross-Cumberland, for the bulk of the day.