Elizabeth May, federal Green Party leader, rallies P.E.I. candidates
Federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May flew to P.E.I. for a few hours Friday to support local Green candidates in advance of Monday's election.
Federal Green Party Leader confident Peter Bevan-Baker will be elected to legislature
Federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May flew to P.E.I. for a few hours Friday to support local Green candidates in advance of Monday's election.
She spoke to a packed house at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Charlottetown.
May says she's confident the party will make an historic breakthrough, electing P.E.I. Leader Peter Bevan-Baker to the legislature.

"That will send a message right across Canada, that Greens are electable across Canada in 2015," said May.
May, an environmentalist from B.C., was elected Canada's first Green MP in 2011, defeating an incumbent cabinet minister.