Windsor's francophone archives to stay in the city
Maryvale youth mental health centre offers up space in former convent

For years the Sisters of the Good Shepherd used their convent in west Windsor for quiet prayer and reflection. Now it will be home to Windsor's francophone archives.
Earlier this month, Claire Grondin spoke with CBC's Windsor Morning about the potential loss of the archives. The Network of Franco-Ontarian Heritage had been previously located in Lakeshore, but a rent increase had forced them out of their space.
If they weren't able to find a new place, the local records were in danger of being shipped to Ottawa.
Connie Martin, the executive director of the Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services treatment centre, heard the interview and offered up some space to Grondin's group at the old convent.
"We haven't been out actively looking for tenants, but we've been worried about this historical beautiful building not being filled," Martin said. "We always knew it had to be the right fit, not just any group would fit here."
Martin said she called Grondin and showed her the space last week. After a few minutes it became clear the arrangement would work out.
"This was a holy place, for many of us it still is," Martin said. "What better use could there be than a group studying history?"
The francophone archives will be located in the wing of the convent where cloistered nuns lived. Boxes of records have already been moved in, but the site still needs to be cleaned and set up.
Grondin said there will be a grand opening next January.
"It saves us. Let's put it that way," Grondin said. "The rent is perfect. We moved in right away."