Does Windsor have a running community?
'Maybe Windsor people don't like to run? Maybe they only like basketball or hockey'

Ask CBC Windsor: It's a new series, brought to you by Windsor Morning and it's looking at all the things there are to know about the city.
We're taking questions from Windsorites — whether you've been here for a few weeks, a few years or for decades.
Hisin Hine, from Somalia, has been in Windsor two months and he wanted to know where he could find an active running presence in the city.
We caught up with lifetime runner Kelly Steele at the University of Windsor's St. Denis Centre for details.
HISIN: I see groups of people playing ball, but I've been a runner for years. Every day I'm running. When I am running, I only see basketball. Maybe Windsor people don't like to run? Maybe they only like basketball or hockey.
KELLY: I've been a runner for over 20 years. Running is massive in Windsor, and it always has been! If you want to run, you can find a running group in almost any community.
We have runners who are just getting off the couch and we also have some world-class runners. Windsor is a huge running community.
A few of my favourite places to run include the Ganatchio, because I can run from the east side of Windsor to the west side of Windsor. Another great spot is Ojibway. You're away from everything, it's peaceful and quiet.
You can go out to the waterfront, the hills, our tracks. You'll see a runner any time of the day. Why? Because running is so simple and easy.
Do you have questions about Windsor? Are you looking for answers about YQG? Drop us a line via email and we might put your question to a Windsor expert.