Windsor Regional Hospital becomes smoke free and hopes you will too
New law prohibits smoking on hospital property, pushing smokers to public areas

The new law which prohibits anyone from smoking on hospital property in Ontario came into effect yesterday, pushing smokers in Windsor to the sidewalks.
Visitors, patients and employees of Windsor Regional Hospital will have to either quit or find another place to light up.
"You can't even start the cigarette or end the cigarette on hospital property," said David Musyj, president and CEO of Windsor Regional. "The issue is you have to go to the public sidewalks."
All designated smoking areas at the Met and Ouellette Avenue campuses have been removed in accordance with the legislation, said Musyj, and that means smokers will be scattered around.
He said the hospital sent notices to neighbours alerting them of the legislation and hopes that smokers are respectful of those properties near both campuses.

There's also a push to get people to quit.
"What we try to do is work with the patients who are addicted... Clearly smoking is a cause for individuals to need more medical attention," said Musyj, who admits it's easier said than done.
Hear more from Musyj and Erwin on CBC's Windsor Morning.
The hospital's manager of corporate communications, Steve Erwin, was a former smoker himself and tried for years to quit.
"As a former smoker I've always had compassion for patients and families," he said.
Erwin recognizes that it will be hard for people to adjust — especially during stressful hospital visits.
"We have to recognize it's an Ontario law, and we want to push people to kick the habit," he said.
Anyone caught smoking on hospital property could be subject to a fine of $175 up to a maximum of $5,000 for repeat offenders.