Windsor and LaSalle police rearrest woman charged with murder after alleged bail violation
24-year-old woman was originally arrested in June

Windsor and LaSalle Police Services say they've arrested a 24-year-old woman, previously charged with first-degree murder, for violating bail conditions.
The woman was arrested in Windsor in June, and charged with first-degree murder and indignity to a dead body in connection with the death of 27-year-old Louise Thomson of Milton, police said.
She was released on bail on Dec. 17 under enhanced conditions, including house arrest and electronic monitoring.
Bail compliance officers launched an investigation the day before Christmas Eve and found the woman had allegedly breached release conditions on three separate occasions.
Officers arrested her in the 1000 block of Pope Street in the town of LaSalle on Jan. 9.
They also arrested the individual who had agreed to supervise the woman and ensure she met her release conditions.
They charged that individual with three counts of facilitating a breach of a release order.