Committee recommends deferral of west-end bus terminal relocation
Coun. Fabio Costante has fought the relocation, saying it's not good for transit users

The city's Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee recommends the west-end bus terminal relocation project be deferred.
The administration's recommendation is to replace the bus terminal on College Avenue and build a new one at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare on Prince Road.
Coun. Fabio Costante put forth the motion to defer until after Transit Windsor's service review has been completed and to ask the administration to report back on the costs of maintaining the terminal on College Avenue.
The motion passed, with Fred Francis as the lone councillor against it.
"I strongly believe in an accessible transit and the greatest percentage of transit users live in Sandwich town. That's where the terminal's located currently. That's where, in my view, it should continue to be located," Costante explained.
The current location, Costante said, is a neighbourhood with a lot of transit riders — and the proposed location doesn't have as many, because it's in a residential area. He believes a terminal there would result in congestion and potential parking issues.
"Talking to residents, almost unanimously, folks gave me a wide mandate to say, this is not the right move."
'Feeling very good about it'
There were five delegates from the community who spoke at the meeting, including Ward 2 resident Mary Ann Cuderman, who also asked the standing committee to at least hold off until the transit review was completed.

"I'm feeling very good about it," Cuderman said on the meeting's result.
"We don't know all the information yet. This master plan hasn't even been completed yet. And to go ahead and try to make changes before you even have the full report just does not make any sense."
There benefits to this move, outlined in a report to the committee, included that the new location would allow for better route connectivity, help revitalize that area and provide transit access for patients, visitors and staff at the hospital.
Costante said he appreciates the recommendations of the administration, but added there is friction in this case between what is good for transit and what is good for the community.
"Even if it may be better for the transit system, it may not be the best solution for the community as a whole," he said.
'We stand by our decision'
Francis said he still believes the terminal relocation would be a service enhancement for the city.
"I certainly understand where councillor Costante is coming from. He certainly has to serve his residents and I appreciate that fact and I respect it," said Francis.

"I had to vote for what I thought was best for Transit Windsor and the service as a whole. And when I hear from the executive director from Transit Windsor that making that move is a significant enhancement to the service and it improves the service and the ridership to our customers, that's something I can't overlook."
Pat Delmore, executive director of Transit Windsor, said he understands the decision that was made, but stands firm that a new terminal is the right call.
"We'll see what happens when it goes to council," said Delmore.
Though the committee has recommended the item be deferred, Costante explained the motion still needs to go to city council for final approval and next steps.