University of Windsor students agree to U-Pass deal

University of Windsor students voted in favour of a universal bus pass that will give them discounted access to the city's transit.
Results of a two-day referendum were announced Thursday evening at Mare-Nostrum Restaurant with supporters celebrating what they see as a big win.
The school's student union president Jaydee Tarpeh has been busy promoting the U-Pass in the lead up to the referendum. He recognizes the significance of the vote, considering the school has held similar referendums before.
"This was started [in] 1992 and this is the first time it's ever passed," he said. "Students realized a good deal when they saw it, so I'm just over the moon."
More than 1700 students voted for the pass, while 1,329 opposed it.
The U-Pass will give students unlimited access to bus services from Transit Windsor at the cost of $165 a year. That fee would decrease to $132, if the Graduate Student Society also votes for the pass.
Transit Windsor officials were also at last night's announcement, including executive director Pat Delmore. In an interview, he said more routes will be added to the city's transit system in anticipation of increased demand.
"The students at the University of Windsor, after a number of attempts at passing a U-Pass, have joined the forces of what most other cities across Canada have," he said. "A U-Pass makes such a difference for the university students, it makes a difference for our community and it's going to make Windsor a better place."
As early as September, Transit Windsor plans to add more buses going to downtown at night and a late bus to VIA Train station on the weekend.