Sunglasses, belt stolen by aliens in Tecumseh, according to annual UFO report
1,131 sightings were recorded in the 2016 Canadian UFO Survey

A person in Tecumseh claims their sunglasses, belt and some silver pieces were stolen by an alien just after 11 a.m. on January 12.
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The supposed sighting also included reports of a "rip in space and time" being spotted in a photo of the area after the intergalactic robbery and was one of four Windsor-Essex UFO sightings included in an annual survey from Manitoba-based Ufology Research.
A total of 1,131 sightings were recorded in the 2016 Canadian UFO Survey.
The most common sighting was of "simple lights," which made up more than half of all reported cases according to the survey. Close encounters made up less than 1 per cent.
Other Windsor-Essex extraterrestrial events reported included flashing multicoloured lights that formed a triangular object above a field on Jan. 25, a "slow comet" seen moving across the sky before it broke into lights that changed formation on July 9 and a blue oval that appeared out of a cloud on Sept. 9.
A fifth sighting for the region happened in the early hours of May 6 when someone in Kingsville saw a group of cross-shaped crafts fly across the sky.