Former Sarnia councillor files code of conduct complaint against mayor, councillors
Matt Mitro was not re-elected to council during the last election
Matt Mitro was on the last Sarnia council, when a 2016 harassment investigation resulted in sanctions against long-time mayor Mike Bradley.
Now the former city councillor has filed a complaint with the integrity commissioner, alleging 182 instances where Bradley and three other councillors broke the Code of Conduct.
Mitro said even though sanctions were lifted against the Sarnia mayor, he hasn't changed his behaviour.
"From experience, from [2016] on he continued to act the same way. He started a campaign to basically oust the current council," said Mitro. "He ran a media campaign for two-plus years, which was very effective because hardly anyone got back on council."
Only two incumbents, plus the mayor, returned to Sarnia's council lineup.
"If we're going to have the same mayor, as a council they need to fess up and move forward in a better way, a more open and transparent and reasonable way," said Mitro.
Mitro said he knows people will say he's just "sour grapes" about not being re-elected.
"I'm more interested in the Sarnia that I live in, than whether or not I'm on city council," said Mitro.
Mitro has named three current city councillors in the new complaint, including returning councillor Dave Boushy.
"He was what you would call the mayor's ally throughout," said Mitro. "What we ended up with was the two longest-serving political people (Bradley and Boushy) in Sarnia telling everyone that current council is awful."
As Mitro understands the Code of Conduct, city officials are not "supposed to fight the corporation."

Some of the exhibits listed in Mitro's complaint include comments he alleges Bradley made to various media organizations, as well as instances in council chambers where Mitro claims discussion was shut down or votes were called too early. It also mentions Mayor Bradley missing a budget overview meeting in 2018.
The list of 182 exhibit briefs is about 38 pages long. There are examples included from each month spanning May 2017 to February 2019.
Two new city councillors — Margaret Bird and Bill Dennis — are also named in the complaint.
"Ms. Bird stated her goal was that current council had to go," said Mitro. "She seemed awfully informed for a regular old citizen. As a private citizen you can do whatever you want but she's now subject to the code of conduct."
Councillor says Mitro is on a 'personal hate campaign'
Coun. Bill Dennis hadn't seen the complaint when CBC reached him, but he said Mitro had been on a "personal vindictive hate campaign against the Mayor and those that support him," since Mitro wasn't re-elected.
"The timing of this complaint is extremely suspect, given we just removed sanctions placed on the mayor imposed by the previous council," said Dennis in an email. "I personally have witnessed him causing ridiculous juvenile disturbances during Council meetings."
Dennis said the people of Sarnia are "smart" and will see through the complaint.
"Mr. Mitro's personal vendetta will cost the taxpayers of this City even more money," said Dennis.
'Pattern of misbehaviour'
Mitro said there's a "serial pattern of breaches" and abuse of process. His complaint includes almost 200 exhibits relating to more than 80 complaints.
"I'm not saying this one time you did this one bad thing," said Mitro. "I'm using your own words, the quotes and speaking engagements, the various coverage, all of which adds up to a pattern of misbehaviour over two years."
Sections in the Code named in the complaint
- Key principles (2.0)
- Head of council role (3.2)
- Conduct at meetings (7.0)
- Conduct respecting staff (9.0)
- Confidential information (11.0)
- Discreditable conduct (12.0)
Mitro didn't consult anyone else in deciding the file the complaint. He said he's worked on it for the last two years and took the decision seriously before deciding to file it.
"I don't want to see progress walked backwards," said Mitro, adding that senior management for the city are "deathly afraid" of what's to come.
Mitro expecting public backlash
Mitro said he's expecting public attack from filing the complaint.
"I want to see this inspire a community discussion and how we as a community can heal from this and be different moving forward," said Mitro.
"I'm for a good mayor, I'm for proper government. I want us to all work together."
Mayor Mike Bradley, Coun. Dave Boushy and Coun. Margaret Bird did not respond when asked for comment.