Pink porta-potty fundraiser aimed at flushing breast cancer
'Put it on your front lawn and show your friends, your colleagues, your competitors that you’re here to help'

Don Tregenza admits he was a little confused when one of his employees asked to put a bright pink porta-potty out front of Canadian Engineering and Tool Co.
"I kind of sat back for a bit," the company owner said. "But when he explained I thought it was a great cause."
The Flush Out Cancer campaign is now in its third year and its distinctive "ugly" portable toilet will be making its way to companies across Windsor-Essex over the next month, according to Canadian Cancer Society fundraising specialist Kelly O'Rourke.
"We drop off a bright-pink porta-potty on your front lawn and we ask you to try and raise as much money as you can in one day," she explained, adding each company gets to decide where the john lands next.
October marks Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Pink Port-a-potty campaign can be spotted throughout the city <a href="">@CBCWindsor</a> <a href=""></a>
Toolmaker Brian Hann was the worker who approached Tregenza about the fundraiser last year. On Monday he and his colleagues raised $5,440.
"It's a great cause," he said. "We've got a very generous bunch of guys and a very generous owner."

O'Rourke said one out of every eight women will get breast cancer, and every dollar raised supports important research.
She invited any business owner in the area to call the Canadian Cancer Society office and ask to have the porta-potty placed out front.
"Put it on your front lawn and show your friends, your colleagues, your competitors that you're here to help."