Officer stabbed during Michigan airport attack out of hospital
Doctors say 30-centimetre wound narrowly missed major arteries

The Flint, Michigan, airport officer stabbed in the neck during what authorities are investigating as a terrorist act has been discharged from a hospital.
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A spokeswoman for Hurley Medical Center says Lt. Jeff Neville was released Monday.

Neville was stabbed Wednesday at Bishop International Airport in Flint, about 80 kilometres northwest of Detroit.
Authorities have said 49-year-old Amor Ftouhi stabbed Neville with a large knife after saying something similar to "you have killed people in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are all going to die."
Ftouhi, a Canadian from Tunisia, was immediately taken into custody and was charged in a criminal complaint with committing violence at an airport.
Doctors have said Neville's 30-centimetre wound caused significant bleeding but narrowly missed major arteries and a nerve.