Police open Huron Church Road at Totten, Prince roads
Police remain in the area over concern protesters may return to foot of Ambassador Bridge

Windsor police have opened another intersection along Huron Church Road, which is still being monitored over concerns protesters may return.
Police said in a tweet that Huron Church Road at Totten and Prince roads would be open as of 11 p.m. Thursday night.
Traffic heading north on Huron Church Road from the intersection of Tecumseh Road West is strictly for bridge traffic only, say police.
Windsor police and Ontario Provincial Police have continued to monitor Huron Church Road since the blockade of the Ambassador Bridge ended.
Many intersections remain closed over concerns protestors may return to the area.

Police say they will continue to open intersections along the road "when it is safe to do so."
Businesses along the stretch of road north of E.C. Row Expressway, and residents in the city's west end, have been frustrated with the closure.
On Thursday, Mayor Drew Dilkens announced the city is ending a state of emergency. The mayor said after consulting with Windsor police, the "immediate threat has been cleared" and there has been a week of cross-border trade without disruptions.
Dilkens also said he will ask the provincial and federal governments for financial support for clearing of the "illegal occupation," adding that Windsor citizens should not have to "shoulder the costs associated with this national security operation on our own."
The state of emergency was declared on Feb. 14 to support ongoing security efforts in the aftermath of the six-day protest that blocked access to bridge. On the day the state of emergency was put in place, the bridge reopened and traffic resumed flowing across it.
The mayor added that local businesses deserve "equitable access" to federal support programs launched in Ottawa to assist small businesses affected by a separate, weeks-long protest that took place in the capital.