Ford City residents reclaim public space with a safe neighbourhood walk

Education and building relationships are the motivators for the Ford City Neighbourhood Renewal's safe neighbourhood walk.
Every Tuesday, a group of residents meet at the Ford City community garden to explore their own backyards.
"It's a great place, and a chance for our residents to interact and get some exercise while we make our presence in the neighbourhood," said Kayla Lessard, resident engagement coordinator with the Ford City Neighbourhood Renewal.
Organizers started the walk so that residents could feel safe in their neighbourhood. They also use the walk as a tool to educate people about City of Windsor bylaws.
'We want to showcase some of the bylaws. We want people to know that you have to take care of your alley maintenance. We want people to know that there's a bulk item furniture pick-up," explained Alana Walsh who helped organize the event.
Great walk today in Ford City hosted by the Ford City Renewal. It’s a new initiative to get people out so they can get to know their neighbourhood and the people in it. <a href="">@CBCWindsor</a> <a href=""></a>
This is the second year the initiative has been held. On Tuesday morning, a small group joined the first walk of this year which lasted about an hour.
"I like it because I get to walk around the community, see my neighbours and chit chat with people and check and see how the neighbourhood is coming along," said Gillian Benoit, long time Ford City resident.
Walks take place every Tuesday at 9am and again at 5:45pm.