Carbon monoxide detectors now mandatory in homes

Those who do not have a carbon monoxide detector installed in their home will now face a $360 fine, says a Windsor fire prevention officer.
Ontario's new carbon monoxide alarm law came into full effect Wednesday.
The detectors have been required in new home construction since 2006, and now, every home with fuel burning appliances and/or an attached garage must have them outside each bedroom.
Who requires CO detectors
- homes with any oil, propane or gas-burning appliances.
- those with a furnace or water heater.
- homes with a wood or gas fireplace.
- homes with attached garage or carport.
John Lee, chief fire prevention officer, with Windsor Fire and Rescue said there will be no leniency.
"There's been a grace period since October where we've provided education and notification, so there will be zero tolerance on it," he said.
Lee said fire officials will start enforcing the law if they get a call to a house and the detectors aren't there.
Teen dies from CO fumes
Amherstburg's Christine Matte lost her 17-year-old son Michael when he succumbed to CO fumes last November.
"We're all still in shock," said Matte.
He had moved his bedroom to the garage for late night study sessions.
The power was out, and the gas built up when he moved an electrical generator into the garage.
Matte is in favour of the new law requiring CO detectors.