Car smashed by replica Sputnik satellite meant to be shocking
If you've roamed the streets of downtown Windsor lately you may have noticed a silver car with its windows broken and a large, metal ball smashed onto its roof — nothing to be afraid of, it's a street art installation.
Artist Brandon Vickerd said the metal ball is supposed to ba a replica of Sputnik 1, the first man-made satellite sent into space.
Someone donated the car, after downtown's Artcite Inc. put out a call on Kijiji.
Now the car is parked in front of the gallery as part of a new exhibit that opens Friday night.
Vickerd said the piece is supposed to get people to think about their surroundings in a public space.
"It's trying to insert an anomaly into their daily existence," he said. "When you come across it it's a bit shocking, a bit surprising and a bit bewildering, but also it makes you think about possibilities.
It makes you think about the things that float in the sky above our heads and how important they are to our daily lives."
The car installation will stay on University Avenue W at Pelissier Street until Aug.1.