What's the most common infraction at your subway station?
Our map shows you who's getting ticketed for what at TTC stations

Have you ever wondered whether riders at your neighbourhood subway station are more likely to sneak past the toll booth or to smoke illegally?
Well, we have the answers for you.
Radio-Canada has obtained data about every single infraction ticketed by the TTC at a subway station in Toronto between January 2012 and June 2015.
To get the details, just click on our interactive map.
In total, 15,221 tickets were given to riders who weren't following the TTC rules on the subway.
Most of these infractions are what you would expect, like fare evasion or trespassing, but others like "failure to wear footwear" probably gave some TTC officers a good story to tell.
Here are five interesting findings:
1. Wellesley: the station where a lot of riders sneak in
More than 550 riders were caught sneaking into Wellesley station without paying. The problem, according to TTC spokesperson Brad Ross, is that there is a bus way within that station and some riders use it to sneak through.
There is no short-term plan to change the design of Wellesley station, said Ross. But he adds that, with Presto cards being more widely used, ticket collectors will be able to stand outside their ticket booths and watch for potential trespassers.
2. Islington: the station where a lot of riders are caught smoking
One hundred and thirty three riders were caught smoking at Islington station, which had the highest number of such infractions in the system.
Again, this is a design problem, according to Brad Ross. "The bus bays have a wall at the end where people can sneak around the corner and light a cigarette," he says. There is a plan to change the design of the station by 2025, though.
3. Unauthorized soliciting: the top infraction in the downtown core
More than 2,500 people were given a $235 ticket for ''unauthorized soliciting on TTC premises," an infraction mainly associated with people asking for money in subway stations.
4. The stations where nothing bad seems to happen
Riders seem to have been very disciplined at Bessarion, Ellesmere, Glencairn and Midland stations. No infraction tickets were issued at these stations between January 2012 and June 2015. But these stations also have a very low ridership.
5. And the prize for the weirdest infraction goes to….
It was hard to choose. One rider was caught carrying a "toxic or flammable substance". Three other passengers forgot that shoes were mandatory on the subway.