Toronto's many mayoral candidates explain why they want your vote
Plus, see where you can find more about their policies

Toronto has a record 102 candidates running to be the city's next mayor in today's byelection.
Frontrunners have emerged, but a lot of voters may want to look beyond those leading the polls as they make their choice.
CBC Toronto asked every candidate two questions: Why they want to be mayor, and where the public can find more about their platforms. Here's what they said.
(Note: the candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Some candidates have not responded, but this story will be updated if they do. Some responses have been lightly edited for clarity.)
Emmanuel Acquaye
"I am the only one who has a clear agenda for Toronto. I will admit that I do share some politic views with Chris [Saccoccia], however, I do not believe in privatizing the government. I got tired of making social media content expressing my distaste in government. I pleaded with and devised plans for the former administration to start post-pandemic aid but I was rejected on four different occasions."

Blake Acton
"I was born and raised in Toronto, I am a retired Toronto Police Officer, single father, and investor, member of the LGBTQ community, I adopted a son from the Toronto Children's aid. I am ready you pick up the pieces left from previous administrations. Toronto requires a true leader and individual who will work for the people and make Toronto a world class city. I am a doer not a talker."
Atef Aly
"I am a food safety advocate/consultant. My top two priorities are as follows: 1) I am going to rescind the unnecessary property tax hikes that were recently imposed by the former mayor within my first 100 [days] in the office. Basically I'm going to put that money back in Torontonians' pockets after it's been taken away from them. 2) Public safety as it's always been."
- Aly doesn't have a website
Darren Atkinson
"I am not the status quo and have the outside intelligence and learned experience that can put control of Toronto back in the hands of its citizens."
- You can find Darren Atkinson's website at
Jamie Atkinson
"As a mayoral candidate, I understand that the challenges facing our city have evolved, requiring a strategic and technologically-driven approach to overcome them. I firmly believe that by harnessing the power of technology, we can effectively address these challenges and emerge victorious in this new mechanistic warfare we call city building."
Ana Bailão
"I have a plan to fix services and build housing, to make life better and more affordable. When I was 15 and my parents chose Toronto, we felt an overwhelming sense of opportunity. That led to me being elected as a Councillor for 12 years and Deputy Mayor for 5. I will build 285,000 new homes, bring healthcare services to seniors where they live and reverse TTC cuts."
Ben Bankas
"I'm a Jewish comedian. If you like what Zelenskyy is doing you'll love Ben Bankas for mayor. If you want to see Yuk Yuk's on Richmond Street with lines out the door to see the mayor doing stand up comedy then I highly recommend voting for Ben Bankas."
- Bankas didn't provide a link to a campaign website but here's his performance schedule
Claudette Beals
"I've experienced the pain of our broken system, fuelled by the tragic death of my daughter by police. [Editor's note: Beals is the mother of Regis Korchinski-Paquet. Ontario's Special Investigations Unit cleared the police officers involved of wrongdoing in connection with her death, though the family has filed a $10 million civil lawsuit against Toronto police and the city itself.]
"A non-bureaucrat, I speak from the heart. With lived experience in housing, representation, mental health, and police violence, I've rallied millions, achieved police reform. A marginalized Torontonian, I prioritize forgotten areas, independent of sponsors. I'll listen, learn, represent all."
Celina Caesar-Chavannes
"Toronto needs a strong fiscal plan. A plan that generates different revenue streams to pay for transit, social assistance, and housing. As a former Member of Parliament, I have the relationships to ensure that Toronto has sustainable, predictable forms of revenue to leave no one behind. This is a time to leverage the political power of Toronto, and I have the political will to get it done."
Mason Carrie
"Voters have the chance to choose a candidate that expresses a clear vision of Toronto's potential. Many of the front runners are responsible for precisely why the city finds itself in massive debt and, with stalled transit and housing development. I look to borrow great policy and implementation from a city like Tokyo. Also I'm advocating for a Giant Japanese Gundam in front of City Hall."
- You can find Carrie on social media platforms like Instagram
Matti Charlton
"As an autistic, queer, transgender person who experienced homelessness, I bring a unique perspective. Every Torontonian matters. Let's build a compassionate, inclusive city with innovative solutions for housing, safety, and drug policy. Join me in shaping a brighter future for Toronto. Together, we can make a meaningful difference."

Olivia Chow
"People in Toronto are feeling stuck: stuck waiting for the bus, stuck in traffic, stuck on waiting lists for housing, child care, kids recreation programs or other basic services. I can't stand by as our city becomes a harder place to live in. As mayor, I'll focus on building housing that people can afford, restoring and improving our public transit system, and investing in communities to make them more safe for everyone. I've been fighting for better for our city for years, and as councillor and MP I've won more for Toronto families. As a councillor I created programs like the student nutrition program which now feeds 200,000 kids daily, and ensured 911 services are offered in hundreds of languages. I know we can make Toronto a better place to live. I'm running to make Toronto a more affordable, safe and caring city, where everyone belongs."
Sarah Climenhaga
"I see amazing possibilities for change in our city if we allow residents to have more say in the decisions that affect their daily lives. I'm really interested in seeing what Torontonians can do together if we change our approach to government."
Paul Collins
"This election is about politicians with name recognition, not about the issues. Issues have to be brought up."
Phillip D'Cruze
"My platform is about fighting for the people. Rent reduction, freeze, food security, going after landlords. These basic needs of Torontonians are not on regular agendas and they need to be addressed, discussed, evaluated, with the conclusion that human decency comes first. Infrastructure is not only exterior but interior. I have lived through poverty, homelessness. Each person matters."

Samson Deb
"I have a vision of growth, abundance, and human rights for Toronto, it takes vision to pursue and execute growth, and boldness to make it happen. Let's get Toronto moving again with expanded roadways and free TTC for everyone!"
Brian Graff
"I'm the only candidate talking about the root cause of problems of housing affordability, congestion, inadequate transit/infrastructure/parks, & overdevelopment. Things will only get worse. The issue: high population growth from immigration. I'll fight to reduce this! [Editor's note: The City of Toronto doesn't control immigration. That is federal jurisdiction.]
- The candidate's website can be found here
Ari Grosman
"As an 18-year-old, it's no secret that Ari is young, but represents the youngest generation, that historically, has not been heard. Ari is running on four key pillars:
1) Address the housing crisis
2) Decriminalize personal possession of all drugs
3) Ramp up social services for the homeless
4) Make the TTC safe and reliable through mental health response units and increased service"

Heather He
"I immigrated to Toronto in 2009, and work as a real estate broker. My experience as a broker has taken me all over the city, and has helped me to get to know the city well, both its positive attributes as well as the problems it faces. In addition, I have experience in working with community groups, principally from my time as director of the Hua Feng Yun Seniors' Arts group."
Toby Heaps
"I'm running because I want to build a kinder Toronto where we have well-being, security and opportunities to take care of ourselves and others. I've spent over 20 years working with the world's largest corporations to change for the better, to be more accountable and transparent, to put people and planet ahead of narrow short-term profit considerations. The result is thriving people, companies and workplaces. I have an equitable plan to fix the city's budget shortfall and unlock the city's public land to build thousands of affordable homes under a proven co-operative home ownership model.
I am working hard to earn your vote, so we can build a kinder city together.
P.S. My dog Molly is my 'running mate' in that she symbolizes the care and compassion we should all have with each other. Sometimes it takes an animal to remind us all to be human."
Mitzie Hunter
"Toronto is at a turning point that must not be a breaking point. People tell me they are worried that the city they love is on the brink of serious decline. I want to lead Toronto's revival. My Plan to Fix the Six provides the path to make sure our city works for everyone through affordable housing, renter protection, getting Toronto moving, safety and improving city services."
Sheila Igodan
"As a mayor, I will work collaboratively with the city council, provincial and federal government. The first priority is to deal with affordable housing and to invest more in the quality of life for residents and repair government houses that are not in better shape."
Syed Jaffery
"I am one of the most diverse personalities running for Toronto's mayor. I was a student leader at my college, where I received most of my leadership training. I ran for councillor's position twice and member of parliament position once from Toronto Centre. I am involved in community building throughout the GTA for the past 20 years."
Michael Lamoureux
"With 40 years of senior management and finance experience in the private sector, I have the talent, experience, knowledge, insight and determination to lead the City in building a better future. I take a practical 'give and take' approach to implementing long-term solutions. I have a number of innovative ideas that are significantly different to what has been tried and failed in the past."
Kris Langenfeld
"A decade opposing restrictions on public speech, and limits to democratic participation, shows my priority is the people. I'll entrench strong democratic fundamentals for voters if elected.
Accountant, Business Systems Analyst, Software Developer, with substantial legal experience, plus years dealing with Toronto's bureaucracy, means knowledge and skills to achieve better results.
My platform demonstrates that I have the strategies others don't.
Devout dedication to democracy assures I'll involve the people, respecting the consensus will, in creating the best solutions.
Having been a 'working stiff', I know the hardships of average people's hardships.
My Christian faith means compassion for my fellow (wo)man isn't negotiable."

Josh Matlow
"I care deeply about our city. I am the only candidate with a detailed plan that includes how I will pay for it. As Mayor, I will stand up to Doug Ford and his plan to sell off Ontario Place for a private spa. I will reverse TTC cuts and get Scarborough moving with transit and trails. I will crack down on bad landlords and create more housing options in every budget. And I'll make this city vibrant by investing in arts, culture and festivals to bring life back to all corners of the city. A better Toronto is possible!"
Faizul Mohee
"It's time for a fresh start in the City of Toronto! I am not a career politician. With my 18 years of real world leadership, strategic, engineering, project management and university teaching experience, I can bring the necessary changes that the city needs at this critical moment. I am a P.Eng. engineer, a PMP, and a PhD. I am alumni of U of Toronto and U of Waterloo. Let's Create a Better Tomorrow!"
Michael Nicula
"1. Not a politician; I'm not playing games and I'm not making false promises.
2. Probably the best qualified candidate in terms of credentials; a unique combination of education and experience:
- Education: CPA, MBA, PMP, Human Resources, Architecture;
- Work Experience: 25+ years of management consulting
3. Tory-like approach: austerity, pragmatism
4. Focus: Crime, Transit, Infrastructure"

Anthony Perruzza
"Toronto will do better when Torontonians do better. That's why I focus on affordability. As mayor, I will build rental housing that costs $1,000 per month, make after-school programs free, and give $100 million from our capital funds to community councils so neighbourhoods can spend on local priorities. I will not allow the [Ontario] Science Centre to move or let Ontario Place fall in private hands. I'm the only candidate committed to freezing TTC fares and property taxes. I will fund these initiatives by keeping in Toronto the $2.2 billion we give away to the province every year."
D!ONNE Renée
"This is an auspicious time in history where we must do things differently to ensure our collective ability to live. Thrive. Be.
I am the woman Toronto needs. History holds receipts. Check my receipts. If you know of me, you know that I'm of the people, by the people, for the people. I speak up and centre the public and advocate to protect the public's rights and interests. I'm community wellness focused, smart, creative, insightful, empathetic, solutions oriented, tenacious and don't back down at the first sign of opposition. I'm the leadership Toronto needs to become the community centred, caring, accessible, innovative, life-affirming, liveable, engaging, accountable, socially and environmentally friendly, thriving city we want.
Together we succeed!"
Lyall Sanders
"I am a common Torontonian who believes that it is time that someone who is not rich is given the task of making sure that the city is fiscally responsible. My goals include making sure that housing is affordable for the citizens of Toronto, that schools are safe for students and to ensure the safety for those work at TTC, as well as being safe, accessible and affordable for passengers."
Mark Saunders
"Mark Saunders has dedicated his life to serving and protecting the people of Toronto. For 38 years, he served as a police officer. As Toronto police chief, he led a team of over 7,400 officers and civilians, and managed annual budgets of more than $1 billion. As mayor, Saunders will focus on fighting crime and its causes, building more homes, and ensuring full value for taxpayer dollars."
Knia Singh
"Because Toronto needs a mayor that has a wide range of lived experience that connects with the diverse needs of our community. A mayor that is not afraid to address difficult issues head on without creating conflict between opposing sides. A mayor that is caring, considerate, empathetic, thoughtful, creative and innovative in order to highlight what the residents of this city have to offer."
Erwin Sniedzins
Sniedzins cited their corporate and small business experience, as well as an expedition to Mount Everest, as reasons they'd be a good mayor. Sniedzins said they would aim to build 36,000 units of modular housing per year "via a robotic mega factory."

Meir Straus
"I should be Toronto's next mayor because I am the only candidate who has been training all their life for this role. Since I was 8-days-old, I practiced mayoral duties from sunrise to sunset — filing papers, signing stuff, giving speeches, every day for hours. It was this practice that allowed me to come up with my progressive policies, such as turning off the stars to reduce light pollution."
- Straus did not provide a website
Mitchell Toye
"As George L. Jackson said: 'Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution.' If I am made mayor, I will spread direct democracy.
Jeffery Tunney
"It is time to have a mayor that does a little less taking and has something more to offer to Toronto. Coming from a family that once fed this entire city its milk products for the restaurant industry. My team is out to reduce crime that appears to have got out of control. A plan to build affordable housing now!
Kiri Vadivelu
"Toronto is in crisis, the product of a failed capitalist system. Only socialist measures offer solutions. I call for immediate mass social housing construction, expropriation of giant landlords, free public transit, repair schools and defund police by 50 per cent. Replace 'strong mayor' powers with a grassroots participatory budget with climate justice agenda."
Jody Williams
Williams said the reason they are running is to advocate for Torontonians and be their advocate.

The following candidates did not respond to CBC Toronto's online questionnaire:
Bahira Abdulsalam, Sharif Ahmed, Asadul Alam, Gru Jesse Allan, Dionysios Apostolopoulos, Jose Baking, Glen Benway, Eliazar Bonilla, Brad Bradford, Chloe Brown, Brian Buffey, Roland Chan, Danny Chevalier Romero, Logan Choy, Kevin Clarke, Gordon Cohen, Frank D'Amico, Frank D'Angelo, Rob Davis, Habiba Desai, Cory Deville, Simryn Fenby, Monica Forrester, Anthony Furey, Isabella Gamk, Xiao Hua Gong, Adil Goraya, James Guglielmin, David Gulyas, Thomas Hall, Peter Handjis, Toby Heaps, Monowar Hossain, Daniel Irmya, Michael Jenson, Patricia Johnston, Walayat Khan, Rick Lee, Mark LeLiever, John Letonja, Norman MacLeod, Giorgio Mammoliti, Steve Mann, Cleveland Marshall, Bob Murphy, Jamil Nowwarah, John Ransome, Willie Reodica, Walter Rubino, Chris Saccoccia, Rocco Schipano, Robert Shusterman, Dua Partap Singh, Raksheni Sivaneswaran, Sandeep Srivastava, Weizhen Tang, Reginald Tull, Jack Weenan, Yuanqian Wei, Nathalie Xian Yi Yan.