Screening officer at Toronto's Pearson airport tests positive for COVID-19
Employee tested positive on March 26 but has been self-isolating for the last 8 days, security firm says

A screening officer at Toronto's Pearson International Airport has tested positive for COVID-19.
The employee tested positive on March 26, according to a statement sent to CBC News by GardaWorld, a private security firm that provides officers to the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA).
"We were made aware yesterday [Friday] that a screening officer at Toronto Pearson Airport has tested positive for COVID-19 and inform[ed] immediately our client, CATSA," the statement reads.
The employee last worked eight days ago and has been in self-isolation since then.
"We have notified all employees who may have had contact with this individual and asked them to self-isolate for 14 days, self-monitor for symptoms and to contact public health for any further direction," the statement continued.
Screening officers often have close contact with passengers and will "manually conduct physical searches of persons and baggage, through direct contact or in close proximity with passengers," according to a GardaWorld job description posted on
74 new confirmed cases in Toronto
Toronto's public health unit provided local updated COVID-19 numbers on Saturday afternoon. As of 1 p.m., there were 512 confirmed cases in Toronto, including 74 new ones since yesterday's report, Toronto Public Health shared in a statement.
Officials said 36 of those people are in hospital, including 17 in intensive care units, while 24 people have recovered.