Family of deer rescued from Scarborough plaza
The male, female and fawn had been stuck in an empty plaza since Tuesday

A family of deer that was trapped in a fenced off lot in Scarborough has been rescued by city animal officials.
Toronto Animal Services and Toronto Wildlife Centre staff returned to the plaza on Eglinton Avenue near Kennedy Road on Thursday around 10 p.m. with a plan to lead the family to safety.
The officials got permission from the property owner and cut a hole in the fence.
The male went through the hole and found his way to the ravine area behind.
Mother followed awhile later and baby followed her.
Staff stationed themselves along the route to ensure they successfully made it to a near-by ravine.
"The rescue was successful and the deer made their own way to green space via a pathway from the back of the lot," said Tammy Robbinson, of Toronto Animal Services.
Thanks to <a href="">@TOAnimalService</a> & <a href="">@TWC_Wildlife</a> for working overnight to free the deer trapped in a Scarborough plaza.
The deer, a male and a pregnant female, got trapped Tuesday afternoon after coming into contact with a car and running into a gated area behind a plaza.
The gate locked on them after they entered.
While trapped, the female gave birth to a fawn on Wednesday.
Robbinson said all deer appear to be healthy and were all mobile.