
Mississauga quadruplets start university together

The Samuel quadruplets have done everything together, and now university is the next step. All four are drawing attention as they start their first year at McMaster University.

Siblings have done everything together will continue that path at McMaster University

Quadruplets start University together

10 years ago
Duration 2:04
The Samuel quadruplets have done everything together, and now university is the next step

It's a proud moment for any parent when they send their child off to university. But one Mississauga family had that pride multiplied by four — the Samuel quadruplet children have started their studies at McMaster University.

Samuel, Serah, Sarah and Salome Samuel are starting their first year today, the first quadruplets to ever study at the university.

"First they see me, then they see my sister, and they say, 'Oh are you guys twins?' And then my other sister sits down, and 'Oh you're triplets' — then with my brother they go 'Oh! You're quads,' and I'm like, 'yeah,'" Serah told CBC News.

They only briefly considered studying at separate schools.

"It's funny how we all like science and we all chose to go to McMaster," Serah said.

"We decide everything together," Sarah added.

Co-ordinated outfits

The siblings not only look alike, but they've been co-ordinating their outfits since they were in diapers.

"It's not just today that we wore these. We dress the same all the time," Serah said.

"If we really like something, and there's not three of them, then we don't buy it. We always want the option of wearing the same thing," Sarah said.

Their class schedules are the same, and they also study together.

"Four brains are better than one," Salome said.

The Samuel quadruplets have been dressing the same since they were in diapers. (Samuel family)
Their parents are proud of their kids' hard work.

"Joyful, proud, excited, happy," said their mother, Anna Samuel.

Covering the cost of tuition comes with sacrifices — their father says it's $12,000 a year apiece. But both parents say it's well worth it.

"We are blessed because of them. It's amazing. We cannot describe in words what God has done for us," said their father, Samuel Devasikhamony.

The quads haven't declared a major, but are confident they'll be in it together, no matter what they choose.

"It's just so normal to say 'we.' It's just so weird to say 'I'," Sarah said.

"It's become intuitive to us," Samuel said.