
Complaint over fantasy novel spurs school board review

The Halton Catholic school board is reviewing whether to keep copies of the children's fantasy novel The Golden Compass in its elementary school libraries, after receiving one complaint.

The Halton Catholic school board is reviewing whether to keep copies of the children's fantasy novel The Golden Compass in its elementary school libraries, after receiving one complaint.

Rick MacDonald, a superintendent with the board, wouldn't say exactly what the complaint is, but did tell CBC News that a committee had been formed to "review the book and consider its appropriateness."

Some reports said the board is reacting to allegations the author Philip Pullman is an atheist and that the novels are anti-religious. Similar complaints have been made against the book in the United States.

Ken Setterington, the Toronto Public Library's children and youth advocate, dismissed the complaint and said that since the book isn't part of the curriculum it should be allowed to stay on the library shelf.

"Like any adventure story, there's a dark side," Setterington said in an interview with CBC Radio'sOntario Today. "I certainly hope they [the committee] will come to the defence of the reader."

MacDonald said the committee is simply responding to a request for a review of the material.

Copies of The Golden Compass, first published in 1995, and the other novels in the trilogy, have not beenremoved from the school libraries.

The books are "in the library, at the [circulation] desk, and have not been pulled from circulation," MacDonald said. Children must make a request to check out the books, as they are no longer on open shelves.

MacDonald said he cannot remember any similar action in the past five or six years, but that when a complaint is filed it must be looked into.

The school superintendent, who will be part of the review committee,said he's read the first three chapters of The Golden Compass and described Pullman as a "very engaging author who has certainly captured my attention and imagination.

"I'm enjoying it so far," MacDonald said.

The committee's review is expected in two or three weeks — right around the time the Hollywood blockbuster based on the first novel opens in theatres.