Justin Bieber completes sentence in egg vandalism case
Bieber praised for getting 'his hands dirty' in homeless shelter as part of sentence

Justin Bieber's cleanup work at a homeless shelter has paid off, with a California judge agreeing Monday to take him off formal probation in a vandalism case filed after he damaged a neighbour's home with eggs.
The London, Ont.-born pop star's attorney presented proof Monday that Bieber had completed 40 hours of community labour, the final term of his sentence in the misdemeanour case.
A program manager at a homeless shelter where Bieber completed many of the hours praised Bieber for being willing to get "his hands dirty" by performing maintenance and janitorial work, according to a probation report filed Monday.
Bieber was required to perform community labour, repay around $80,000 in damage to his neighbour's house and undergo anger management counselling as part of his sentence.
His progress completing work at the homeless shelter was slowed by an ankle injury, but Bieber has received favourable reports from probation officials throughout the case.
Bieber was sued earlier this year by Jeff and Suzanne Schwartz, his former neighbours whose Los Angeles county home he damaged in January 2014.
Jeff Schwartz's suit also accuses Bieber of terrorizing his family with loud driving, unsafe driving and claims the singer spit in his face during one incident.
Bieber, 21, has since moved out of the gated community. He did not attend Monday's hearing.