Sheryl Ubelacker
Latest from Sheryl Ubelacker

From bionic arms to predicting patient surges in ER, AI is reshaping patient care
Chris Neilson is on his second prosthetic after losing his left arm above the elbow in a nasty work accident about six years ago.
Canada -Edmonton |

Doctors report uptick in teens, young adults choosing to vaccinate against parents' wishes
Vancouver doctors are seeing an uptick in the number of unvaccinated teens and young adults seeking to be inoculated against measles in the wake of an outbreak of the disease at two schools in the city.
Canada -British Columbia |

IVF linked to slightly higher risk of maternal complications
Women who become pregnant using infertility treatments, such as in-vitro fertilization, have a slightly higher risk of a complication which can include bleeding, serious infections, and admission to the intensive care unit around the time of delivery, according to a new Canadian study .
Health |

Improve care and quality of life for dementia patients, expert panel urges
An expert panel has released a report outlining the best ways to tackle the growing incidence of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia among Canadians as a basis for a national strategy on the progressive brain diseases.
Health |

Why hazing continues despite physical and mental health consequences
A practice with deep historical roots, hazing has led to physical, sexual and emotional abuse — and even deaths — yet still continues in Canada and the U.S.
Health |

Talcum powder could pose danger to lungs and ovaries, Health Canada warns
Don't inhale talcum powder and keep it away from children's faces and female genitals, Canada's health and environment agencies advised on Wednesday.
Health |

Antibiotic resistance a serious health-care threat to Canadians, experts say
Drug-resistant infections are predicted to kill an estimated 2.4 million more people by 2050 in developed countries alone, including Canada.
Health |

Crucial for health system, many caregivers are struggling financially and emotionally, report says
More than one-third of caregivers surveyed in Ontario report feeling depressed and many have suffered financial consequences, including time off work or turning down career opportunities.
Health |

Familiar music could give Alzheimer's patients a cognitive boost, study suggests
It's long been known that Alzheimer's patients often retain musical memories, even when they can't remember names, faces or places. Canadian researchers say brain scans have helped them understand why.
Health |

Young people who give up pot see rapid improvement in memory, ability to learn
Adolescents and young adults who regularly use cannabis but stop for 30 days have better memory and an improved ability to learn, suggesting academic success might hang in the balance for young people who smoke regularly.
Canada -Toronto |